:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How to Apply Scholarship

Education is invesment. Expensive of expense of education can be overcome with looking for source of fund like from scholarship. To submit the application of scholarship there are some tips which must be known:
more information

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Friday, March 5, 2010

Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia: Masters Programme in Terrorism and International Security Studies at Universitas Indonesia

Masters Programme in Terrorism and International Security Studies at Universitas Indonesia
(17 tuition fee waivers are available on competitive basis)

Universitas Indonesia has recently established a new Master`s Degree Programme in Terrorism and Security Studies which will be managed by the Department of International Relations in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Universitas Indonesia aims to play a role in anti-terrorism efforts, at least in two ways. First it will contribute to the development of governmental counter-terrorism policy. This requires strategies to hinder terrorist activity as well as efforts to protect civil rights and social stability. Our rationale is to support and
inform the state in its mission to counter terrorism and prevent the derogation of civil rights and liberties whilst also maintaining good governance, security and social services for the people. Secondly it will help create an unbiased and academically sound body of terrorism studies free from the agenda of ruling governments, political parties, agencies and private entities.

Terrorism is only part of a bigger vision of problemmatic issues confronting Indonesians, and other citizens of the world, which are associated with global uncertainty. These issues include financial instability, climate change, pandemics and a range of networked threats organized and run by various illegitimate actors. Globalization has facilitated increased volumes of trade and wealth, as will also be generated from ASEAN`s Free Trade Agreement with China. However we need to be mindful that this wealth will be unevenly distributed. Globalization has also generated an underclass of malcontents and this offers opportunities for new criminal activity and political violence on a considerable scale. This is not limited to organized crime but also parallel effects of money laundering, corruption, weapons proliferation and the emergence of kleptocratic regimes.

Indonesia`s security sector, the parliament, the executive body and security agencies can no longer ignore transnational security issues. While the rush against terrorism dies down as succcessful police killings and captures pile up, we can ask ourselves whether intelligence and security agencies have sufficient capacity to address other transnational issues such illegal trafficking of drugs, women and children and infiltration of illegitimate actors into our borders.

In regard to this background the new Terrorism and Security Studies
Programme will address the following key issues:

- What is terrorism and what drives it?
- Who are the `terrorists` and how do they operate?
- Which political methods can best help us explain and understand terrorism and state responses to terrorism?
- How do national security systems engage with the terrorist threat?
- How does the interaction between the international Islamist movement and the nature of the state in Indonesia contribute to the emergence of Islamist terrorism in the country?
- Why has political Islam gained popularity in Indonesia and why has it gained significant power in government decision-making. How does this compare with other political movements that have also applied violence in their campaigns?
- What are the dynamics between the Islamist movement in the Middle East and South Asia and the growth of the movement in Southeast Asia, especially Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia?
- How have the processes of globalization impacted upon terrorism.
- How can we understand the relationship between democracy, authoritarianism and terrorism?
- How is the threat of terrorism perceived by state or non-state groups? How does this translate into counter-terror policy?
- How have Indonesia and other S-E Asian countries interacted with Western military and economic support in recent history?

17 bursaries for a full fee waiver are available for the 2010 intake of students. These bursaries will be available on a competitive basis. Grantees of a fee waiver will be short-listed from the results of the selection test held by Universitas Indonesia.

Interested individuals must apply for the entrance test (Seleksi Masuk Universitas Indonesia/ SIMAK UI) before 23 March 2010. Applicants can visit www.penerimaan.ui.ac.id or email aliwibisono@ ui.ac.id for further information, including information for international applicants.

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Thursday, January 28, 2010

Beasiswa S1: Law International Scholarships 2010

Law International Scholarships 2010
The University of Sheffield – UK
We are pleased to offer Law International Scholarships to all international undergraduate students starting their studies in the School of Law in September 2010.
The scholarships are worth £1,500 per year each.
Eligibility and Award Criteria:
You must hold an offer of a study place and begin your undergraduate studies in September 2010 in the School of Law.
You must be self-funding and classified as overseas for tuition fee purposes.
The scholarships will be awarded automatically – no application is required in first or subsequent years.
The scholarships will be awarded unconditionally in the first year of studies. Award in subsequent years of study is subject to the achievement of 60% overall average mark.
The scholarships will take the form of a tuition fee reduction.
How to Apply
You can make an application to study an undergraduate degree programme at the University of Sheffield from anywhere in the world.
It is important to apply as early as possible as demand for places on undergraduate degree programmes often exceeds the number of places available. You do not need to wait for final examination results or references before you apply for a study place.
High entrance requirements for undergraduate degree programmes at Sheffield reflect the quality of the University.
The University of Sheffield has been welcoming students from all over the world for many decades and we have a lot of experience in assessing and understanding the many different international qualifications.
You may be required to take an internationally recognised English language test such as TOEFL or IELTS.
Further information for international students, visit http://www.shef.ac.uk/international/countries

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Monday, January 11, 2010

MSc in Computational Mechanics by Erasmus Mundus Programme

MSc in Computational Mechanics by Erasmus Mundus Programme

The Master of Science in Computational Mechanics is designed for students who wish to develop their knowledge and competency in the field of computational mechanics with applications in solids, fluids and interdisciplinary fields. The goal is to provide the students with the skills for the modelling, formulation, analysis and implementation of simulation tools for advanced engineering problems, as well as skills for understanding these
approaches in the broader context of engineering science. Students will benefit from a leading group of academics and an exciting international environment. Students may take the Master`s as a professional terminal degree, or in preparation for a Ph.D. degree.

Summary of study programme
The programme lasts two academic years (120 ECTS) and includes the Master Thesis as well as practical training in an industrial or applied research environment. The first term is aimed at providing a solid background on mechanics and numerical methods. It consists of a set of core modules (20 ECTS) complemented by elective modules (10 ECTS). These core modules are taught jointly at UPC and UWS. Students can select to follow the first term either at UPC or UWS. The second term (30 ECTS) consists of a minor aimed at providing a deeper knowledge in a selected area. The second term must be followed in a 2nd institution different from the one selected for the first term. The Master Thesis is supervised and developed in the 2nd institution during the 3rd and 4th terms. Practical training at industry or an applied research centre will also be provided during these last two terms.

The students follow the Master`s programme at two of the four partner institutions: the first term at UPC or UWS, and the remaining three terms at UPC, UWS, ECN or US different from the institution attended during the first term.

Selection Criteria
Students will be selected on the basis of their CVs, study and academic merits, recommendations, language skills (English), etc. Priority will be given to applicants whose background and interest matches closely with those of the Master of Science in Computational Mechanics. To check this, prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to see the program description here.

Candidates will be required to provide:
(a) the degree classification, class rank and full academic transcript;
(b) the IELTS or similarly internationally recognised English language proficiency score;
(c) two letters of recommendation;
(d) a statement of purpose, describing their interest in computational mechanics, their personal aims in this field and their preferred areas of specialisation;
(e) a complete Curriculum Vitae including additional language skills other than English and any additional information available that may relate to the potential performance of the student in the course.

This data as well as the standing of the University awarding their degree will be used to rank students.

Duration, Conditions and Amount of the Scholarship
Scholarships will be awarded for two years. In each of these years, the student will receive a total of 21.000 Euro in 10 monthly grants per year, for a grand total of 42.000 Euro. Tuition fees are 8.000 Euro per year and will be deduced from the scholarship.

Note also that, if the scholarship is granted, no payments will be made until the grant recipient arrives at the host university. No payment advances will be sent abroad for covering travel and moving expenses.

Course 2010-2011
Deadlines (receiving date) for applications:
- January 15, 2010 for students applying for an Erasmus Mundus Category A scholarship
- May 7, 2010 for students applying for an Erasmus Mundus Category B scholarship
- July 16, 2010 for EU students and students who do not wish to be considered for an Erasmus Mundus stipend.
- starting September 27, 2010

Category A scholarships can be awarded to masters students selected by EMMC consortia who come from a country other than an eligible applicant country and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries.

Category B scholarships can be awarded to any masters students selected by EMMC consortia and who do not fulfill the Category A criteria defined above.

Website link:

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10 Beasiswa S1: Edinburgh Global Undergraduate Scholarships

ndergraduate scholarships for students from Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, and Thailand

Edinburgh Global Undergraduate Scholarships

Up to 10 undergraduate scholarships are offered to students for undergraduate study in any subject offered by the University. The scholarships will be worth £1,000 per year and will be tenable for the duration of the programme of study.
The scholarships are competitive and will be awarded to students who are accepted for admission on a full-time basis for undergraduate study at the University of Edinburgh. Applicants must be nationals of one of the following countries:

* Brunei Darussalam
* Canada
* Hong Kong
* Japan
* Malaysia
* Singapore
* South Africa
* Thailand

The scholarship will be awarded broadly on the basis of academic merit.

The scholarship is not available to students already on programme.

Application Procedure
Eligible applicants should complete an online scholarship application

Alternatively applicants can request a paper application form from:

The Scholarships and Student Finance Office
The University of Edinburgh
Old College
South Bridge
Edinburgh EH8 9YL

E-mail: scholarships@ed.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 131 651 4070

Completed application forms must be returned to the Scholarships and Student Finance Office no later than 17 June 2010.

Selection Procedure
A University of Edinburgh Selection Committee will meet in early July 2010 to select the scholarship holders. The winners of the scholarship will be announced in mid July 2010.


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Saturday, September 5, 2009

Beasiswa untuk SMA/ MA Sederajat th 2009/2010

Mohon bantuannya untuk disebarkan ...

LintangIndonesia kembali memberikan beasiswa untuk siswa SMA/MA atau yang sederajat yg kurang mampu untuk tahun ajaran 2009/2010. Beasiswa akan diberikan selama 12 bulan (Juli 2009 – Juni 2010) kepada 25 siswa dengan besaran Rp. 150.000,00 perbulan.
Aplikasi beasiswa dibuka sampai tanggal 31 Agustus 2009, hasil seleksi akan diumumkan pada akhir September 2009. Formulir aplikasi bisa diunduh di http://www.lintangindonesia.org. Aplikasi dan dokumen pendukung bisa dikirimkan ke sekretariat :

Komplek Gedung Putih
Pondok Krapyak
Yogyakarta 55011

Pendirian LintangIndonesia diinisiasi oleh keinginan beberapa pelajar Indonesia di Irlandia untuk dapat berbuat sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi tanah air Indonesia, khususnya dalam dunia pendidikan. Dana untuk pemberian beasiswa berasal dari iuran bulanan anggota yang tersebar di beberapa negara Eropa (Irlandia, Jerman, Belanda) dan Indonesia.

Sejak berdiri pada bulan November 2007, LintangIndonesia sudah menyalurkan beasiswa kepada 19 orang siswa sebesar Rp. 27,35 juta. Untuk memperbanyak penerima beasiswa, kami juga mengajak para dermawan untuk ikut berdonasi melalui kami. Keterangan lebih lanjut untuk donasi bisa dilihat di http://www.lintangindonesia.org.

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Thursday, June 18, 2009

Beasiswa S1: Scholarships for International Students, University of Adelaide

If you want to study at University of Adelaide, Australia, you can do it with following scholarships program that offers by the university. The University of Adelaide offers a scholarships scheme for international students undertaking undergraduate study.

Scholarships for all International Students
The Adelaide Outstanding Achiever Scholarships International (AOASI)

* Up to nine Adelaide Outstanding Achiever Scholarships International (AOASI) are available to international students from any country undertaking study in any academic
* discipline except Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS).
* Benefits are the waiver of full tuition fees for the normal duration of the program, subject to satisfactory performance.
* A scholarship recipient completing a three year degree program who is offered a further year in the Honours Program may apply for an extension of the scholarship to cover that year.
* Scholarships are available only for the first four years of a double degree.

For students seeking scholarships for study commencing in 2010, a separate application process for scholarships will be required. This includes for applications submitted through the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC).

The process will require completion of a web-based form that will be available on this website by mid-September 2009. Applicants will be required to have already received a current offer of admission to the University of Adelaide to be considered for a scholarship.

For further information about international undergraduate scholarships and programs, please contact one of the University of Adelaide’s International Representatives.

Application Deadlines
The deadline for the 2010 round of undergraduate scholarships has yet to be fixed. Please remember that to be considered for a scholarship for 2010 entry, you must have an offer from the University of Adelaide for entry into an academic program for 2010 at the time of application for the scholarship. It is therefore recommended that you apply to study at the University some time before the estimated mid-September opening of the scholarship round.

AOASI Scholarship Conditions

Eligibility conditions

1. Scholarships will be awarded strictly on academic merit and only actual results can be used. Forecast results are not accepted for scholarship selection. Only complete applications will be considered, and only applicants who have met the University’s minimum English language requirement for direct entry to their intended program of study at the scholarship application deadline will be eligible for consideration. For Australian Year 12 students the basic TER will be used. Bonus points will not be counted.
2. The University reserves the right to vary the awards, or not to offer scholarships if the candidates have not achieved the level of academic achievement to merit the awards.
3. Applicants from education systems accepted by the University of Adelaide for direct entry to the first year of degree studies must apply before commencement of University studies whether in their home country or Australia. Those who have commenced tertiary studies at the time of application will not be eligible.
4. Applicants from education systems where one year of degree studies in their home countries is required for admission to the University of Adelaide first year degree studies must apply before commencement of their second year of studies. Those who have commenced second year studies at the time of application will not be eligible.
5. A scholarship may not be awarded to anyone already holding another scholarship funded by the University of Adelaide.
6. Citizens and Permanent Residents of Australia, and citizens of New Zealand are ineligible for any of the above scholarships.
7. Candidates who have applied for Australian permanent resident status are ineligible to apply.

Enrolment Conditions

1. Scholarship holders must commence study at The University of Adelaide in 2010. By negotiation, an applicant offered a scholarship scheduled to commence in Semester I, 2010 may defer until Semester II, 2010 if there is a Semester II commencement of their chosen program of study. If the applicant is not able to commence in Semester II the scholarship offer will lapse and will not be available to the applicant in 2011.
2. Candidates are required to enrol in The University of Adelaide as ‘international students’ and must maintain ‘international student’ status for the duration of their enrolment in the University. The scholarship will be terminated if a student changes their residency status.
3. Scholarship holders are expected to enrol in a full time load. A scholarship holder who is considering reducing his/her enrolment load must first consult with staff in the International Student Centre. International students are expected to complete their programs within the duration specified on their visa. The University may only extend the duration of study under compassionate or compelling circumstances.
4. Undergraduate scholarships are available for up to four years, subject to satisfactory progress. The University reserves the right to terminate scholarships of students who do not maintain satisfactory progress. Satisfactory progress is defined as the achievement of a GPA (Grade Point Average) of 5 (out of 7).
5. Where a student fails, or withdraws from courses in a given semester (or equivalent teaching period) such that the semester GPA (Grade Point Average) is less than 5.0 in two consecutive semesters, the student will be deemed to have failed to maintain satisfactory academic progress and the scholarship will be terminated unless the University is satisfied that exceptional circumstances exist.
6. If a student faces exceptional circumstances requiring him or her to return home, he/she may apply for a one year deferment of enrolment without loss of scholarship, provided this is approved under the student visa requirements.
7. In order to make a case for exceptional circumstances, a student will need to provide a detailed statement and independent supporting documentation e.g. a doctor’s certificate etc.
8. If a scholarship holder enrols in more than the standard load of 24 units per year, or in courses which increase the tuition fee beyond what is indicated in the scholarship offer letter, or enrols in courses at another institution, he or she shall be responsible for the payment of the additional tuition fees.
9. Students who complete a three-year degree may apply for an additional year, in an Honours program, but extension of the scholarship for the fourth year is subject to the decision of the relevant faculty.
10. The scholarships cover the amount of tuition fee indicated in the scholarship award letter for up to four years of study at the University of Adelaide. The scholarships do not cover the costs of visas, Overseas Student Health Cover, travel, accommodation, living expenses, books and study materials or any other expenses associated with living in Adelaide or study at the University of Adelaide.

More Information

For more information about postgraduate study at the University of Adelaide, please contact:

The Student Centre
Email: international@adelaide.edu.au
Telephone (in Australia): (08) 8303 5208
Telephone (outside Australia): +61 8 8303 5208
Facsimile (in Australia): (08) 8303 4401
Facsimile (outside Australia): +61 8 8303 4401
Website: http://www.international.adelaide.edu.au/

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