:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Beasiswa S1, S2 dan S3 dari ADS

The application 2007/2008 round will be opened on 18 June 2007 and will be closed on 7 September 2007, and will be advertised in national newspapers in June or July 2007 .

Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) are funded by the government of Australia for postgraduate study at Australian Universities. The main goal of ADS is to promote Indonesia’s human resource capacity to contribute to:
* Improving economic management;
* Strengthening democratic institutions and practise;
* Increasing the accessibility and quality of basic social services; and
* Enhancing security and stability.

ADS have played a significant role in Australia’s development cooperation program in Indonesia, with around 10.000 scholarships provided over more than 50 years. ADS continues to be a major component of the program with up to 300 scholarships offered in 2007/2008.

Please note that the ADS scholarship program is a different program to the new Australian Partnership Scholarship (APS) Program. For full details on APS go to http://www.apsprogram.or.id/

The off-shore component of the ADS Program is managed by IDP through an IDP established ADS Project Office in Jakarta to ensure efficient end effective administration of the ADS scheme in Indonesia.

Each year, the Australian Government sponsors people from some developing countries to study in Australia through Australian Development Scholarships (ADS). The Australian Development Scholarship program in Indonesia aims to promote private and public sector human resource development in areas of agreed development priority.

This will be achieved by providing post-graduate scholarships for Indonesians to study in Australia and by working in close cooperation with the Indonesian Government to deliver a program which is flexible to Indonesia’s changing training needs.

Consistent with the principles of AusAID’s education and training policy (August 1996), the ADS program will be implemented to ensure : quality (of project personnel, fellows and procedures); transparency (of selection); equity and merit (in the awarding of fellowships); access (of beneficiaries to scholarship documentation and information); and consistency (in award administration).

Applicant Requirements
General Requirements

Scholarship Applicants must:

* be an Indonesian citizen and not have permanent residence in Australia or New Zealand;
* not be married or engaged to a person who is eligible to hold Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residence;
* satisfy Australian Government requirements for international student entry to Australia (health, character etc.);
* not hold a scholarship that would give overlapping benefits;
* not have held an Australian Government Scholarship in the 12 months preceding the application;
* be applying to commence a new course of study and not be seeking support through ADS for a course already commenced in Australia ;
* be able to take up the scholarship in the year in which it is offered; and
* satisfy the admission requirements of the Australian tertiary institution in which the course is to be undertaken.

Specific Requirements

Scholarship Applicants must:

* be applying for courses that fall within the areas of development priority;
* have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.9 (on a scale of maximum 4.0) and an English language proficiency of at least 5.0 in IELTS (500 in Institutional TOEFL or 170 in International TOEFL). The IELTS or TOEFL result must be current (a test result obtained in 2006 or 2007 will be considered current);
* already hold an undergraduate degree, if applying for a Masters ;
* already have a Masters , if applying for a doctorate ;
* apply for a degree at a level higher than their current highest qualification;
* if applying for doctorate, applicants must be staff of universities, higher education institutions, research institutes, key policy makers and targeted candidates in other agencies associated with AusAID activities. It is highly desirable for doctorate applicants to have a letter of support from Australian university for their proposed field of study;
* answer all relevant questions on the application form; and
* be willing and available to take full-time English for Academic Purposes ( EAP ) training in Indonesia prior to studying in Australia if offered a scholarship
* be no more than 42 at time of application.


Beasiswa S1 SDM Ekonomi Syariah

Indonesia] Beasiswa S1 SDM Ekonomi Syariah untuk Pembangunan Daerah (SDM-EKSPAD)

Program Beasiswa Pendidikan SDM-EKSPAD adalah suatu program bagi putra-putri terbaik daerah untuk mengikuti pendidikan strata satu (S-1) ekonomi syariah di STEI SEBI. Program ini diselenggarakan oleh STEI SEBI bermitra dengan sejumlah Lembaga Donasi, Pemerintah, BUMN/D, Tokoh dan Cendekiawan. Ide lahirnya program ini dilandasi atas keprihatinan yang mendalam atas kian terpuruknya kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat diberbagai daerah, zerutama daerah yang mengalami bencana. Musibah yang silih berganti menghampiri bangsa ini terutama yang menimpa beberapa daerah bencana, telah banyak menimbulkan penderitaan dan kesulitan hidup.
Program Beasiswa Pendidikan SDM-EKSPAD ditujukan sebagai salah satu upaya penting dalam rangka pembangunan jangka panjang yang strategis dengan penyiapan sumberdaya manusia melalui pendidikan untuk melahirkan SDM yang profesional dalam bidang ekonomi syariah dan siap menjadi pelopor pembangunan daerah.

Dalam Program Beasiswa Pendidikan SDM-EKSPAD, selain mengikuti perkuliahan secara reguler, peserta akan dibina dalam berbagai aspek dengan menekankan pada masalah pembentukan kepribadian, pengembangan diri, pengembangan wawasan, kemampuan community development, pengembangan jiwa wirausaha, dan pembentukan jiwa kepemimpinan. Kesemua program tersebut dilakukan bekerjasama dengan para profesional yang memiliki kapabilitas dan kompetensi pada bidangnya masing-masing dan dikemas dalam suatu metode pengajaran yang menarik.

Dengan demikian, Keunikan Program Beasiswa Pendidikan SDM-EKSPAD adalah:

* Merekrut SDM potensial dari daerah/utusan.
* Diprogram untuk mencetak SDM yang menguasai ekonomi syariah dan siap untuk kembali dan terjun menjadi pelopor untuk pembangunan daerah.
* Pembinaan kepribadian dan kompetensi secara terpadu dan intensif.
* Dikelola oleh STEI SEBI secara profesional dan amanah.

Dari Program Beasiswa Pendidikan SDM-EKSPAD ini diharapkan dapat melahirkan sumberdaya manusia yang profesional dalam bidang ekonomi syariah dan siap menjadi pelopor pembangunan daerah melalui pengembangan institusi keuangan dan bisnis syariah serta memiliki kapasitas community development.

Kriteria Penilaian Program SDM-EKSPAD

1. Prestasi dan Kemampuan
2. Representasi Putra daerah/utusan institusi
3. Jiwa kepemimpinan dan kemampuan manajerial
4. Intelegensia yang cukup dan kemampuan analisa
5. Keaktifan dalam kegiatan dan organisasi dan kepedulian sosial
6. Kematangan mental dan spiritual
7. Kesehatan jasmani yang baik
8. Tahapan seleksi (Tes tulis, TPA, Presentasi, dan Wawancara)

Persyaratan Pendaftaran:

1. Persyaratan awal nilai rapor SLTA kelas 10-12 rata-rata 8,0
2. Memiliki motivasi dan komitmen untuk pengembangan ekonomi syariah
3. Lulus SLTA tahun 2007 atau 2006

Waktu Pendaftaran: 24 Mei – 6 Juli 2007

Informasi Lebih Lanjut dan Pendaftaran
Kampus Sekolah Tingggi Ekonomi Islam (STEI) SEBI
Komplek Ciputat Indah Permai Blok C. 25-26
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 50 Ciputat Tangerang
Telepon: (021) 7418977-78
Faksimili: (021) 7418977
Website: http://www.sebi.ac.id
e-mail: stei@sebi.ac.id, stiesebi@yahoo.com


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Tuesday, May 29, 2007





A. Pendahuluan
1. Sebagai tindak lanjut dari Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dengan Departemen Agama, beberapa lembaga dan Universitas di Mesir, Sudan, Maroko,dan aljazair memberikan beasiswa kepada putera-puteri Indonesia dengan Formasi sebagai berikut :

Al Azhar Syarif Mesir menawarkan 90 beasiswa S1 dan 20 beasiswa S2 untuk tahun akademik 2008-2009
Kementrian Pendidikan Tinggi Mesir menawarkan 5 beasiswa S1 untuk tahun akademik 2008-2009 bagi pemegang ijazah SLTA

Pemerintah Sudan menawarkan 30 beasiswa S1 pada Universitas Internasional Afrika, Khartoum untuk tahun akademik 2007-2008
Pemerintah Kerajaan Maroko menewarkan beasiswa S1,S2,S3 sebanyak 15 orang untuk tahun akademik 2007-2008

Pemerintah Aljazair melalui KBRI alger menawarkan 50 beasiswa S1 untuk tahu akademik 2007-2008

Dalam rangka mendapatkan calon mahasiswa terbaik untuk mengisi formasi tersebut, Depag akan menyelenggarakan seleksi secara nasional bagi peminat beasiswa ke Al- Azhar, Kementrian Pendidikan Tinggi Mesir, Maroko dan Aljazair. Bagi peminat beasiswa ke Sudan, seleksi akan didakan langsung oleh Kedutaan Sudan di Jakartabekerjasama dengan Departemen Agama pada waktu yang ditentukan kemudian.

3. Untuk mengantisifasi meningkatnya minat calon mahasiswa Indonesia ke Mesir yang tidak dibarengi dengan kualitas memadai, Departemen agama akan melakukan penyeleksian calon Mahasiswa Non Beasiswa dengan menguji kemampuan akademik, hafalan/bacaan Al-Qur’an dan Bahasa arab dengan standar materi ujian yang sama dengan seleksi calon program beasiswa.
B. Tujuan
Menyaring para lulusan Madrasah Aliyah/sederajat yang potensial dan mempunyai bakat dan minat yang kuat dalam pengembangan keilmuan dan penguasaan Bahasa Arab

Mempersiapkan calon ilmuawan terbaik dalam bidang ke-Islaman dan Bahasa Arab dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan negara

C. Persyaratan Seleksi
1. Warga Negara RI yang beragama Islam

2. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang di sediakan panitia

Pas photo berwarna ukuran 3 x 4 sebanyak 2 lembar

Melampirkan salinan ijazah dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :

Untuk ke Universitas Al-Azhar berijazah :

1). Program S1
Berijazah Madrasah Aliyah Negri atau swasta yang mengikuti ujian Negara dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut : a). Usia Ijazah tidak lebih dari 2 tahun. b). Brijazah Pondok Pesantren yang mu’adalah ( akreditasi) ijazahnya dengan tsanawiyah (SLTA) Al-Azhar yang masih berlaku sampai sekarang

2). Program S2

Berijazah Perguruan Tinggi agama Islam Negeri atau swasta dengan usia ijazah tidak lebih dari 5 tahun
b. Untuk beasiswa Kementrian Pendidikan Tinggi Mesir menggunakan ijazah SLTA Negeri

c. Untuk ke Sudan, Maroko, dan al-Jazair berijazah Madrasah aliyah Negeri atau swata, Pondok Pesantren, SLTA, Ijazah S1 dan S2 dengan usia ijazah tidak lebih dari 2 tahun
5. Bagi yang belum memiliki ijazah (STTB), sementara cukup menggunakan fotocopy nilai rapor cawu I dan II atau semester I kelas terakhir dan dilegalisir oleh pihak sekolah yang bersangkutan

D. Mata Ujian
Ujian Lisan (menggunakan bahasa Arab ) meliputi : Bahasa Arab (percakapan, terjemah dan pemahaman teks) dan hafalan/bacaan Al-Qur’an.

Ujian Tulis (menggunakan bahasa Arab) meliputi : Bahasa Arab (memahami teks, tata bahasa dan insya’) dan Pengetahuan Agama Islam
Waktu Pendaftaran dan Pelaksanaan

Pendaftaran : tanggal 1 Mei s.d 30 Mei 2007 setiap jam kerja
Pelaksanaan seleksi diatur sebagai berikut :

No. Ujian Tanggal WIB WITA WIT
1. Ujian Tulis
14 Juni 2007
08.00 - 10.00
09.00 - 11.00
10.00 - 12.00
Ujian Lisan
14 - 15 Juni 2007
Menyesuaikan dengan waktu setempat

F. Tempat Pendaftaran dan Seleksi
1. Dalam Negeri

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta , IAIN Serang,
STAIN Pontianak , STAIN Metro dan IAIN Raden Intan Lampung
IAIN Sunan Gunung Jati Bandung dan STAIN Cirebon
IAIN Walisongo Semarang, STAIN Kudus, STAIN Purwokerto,
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, STAIN Salatiga dan
STAIN Surakarta .
UIN Malang , IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya , IAIN Mataram,
STAIN Kediri , STAIN Tulung Agung, STAIN Ponorogo,
STAIN Pamekasan dan STAIN Jember.
IAIN Ar Raniry Aceh NAD, STAIN Lhoukseumawe dan STAIN Cok Kala Langsa
IAIN Sumatera Utara Medan dan STAIN Padang Sidempuan
IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang, STAIN Bukittinggi, STAIN Batusangkar dan STAIN Kerinci.
IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang , IAIN Sulthan Thoha Jambi,
STAIN Bangka Belitung dan STAIN Bengkulu
UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Pekanbaru
IAIN Ala’uddin Makasar, STAIN Pare-Pare, STAIN Watampone,
STAIN Palopo, STAIN Kendari dan STAIN Jayapura. STAIN Palu
IAIN Gorontalo, STAIN Menado, STAIN Ambon dan STAIN Ternate
IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin dan STAIN Palangkaraya
STAIN Samarind

2. Luar Negeri

KBRI Cairo KBRI Cairo , KBRI Beirut , KBRI Riyadh , KBRI Amman, KBRI Damascus , KBRI Sanaa, KBRI Khartou

2. KBRI Rabat
KBRI Rabat , KBRI Algier, KBRI Tunis

G. Hasil Ujian Seleksi

1. Hasil akan diumumkan oleh Departemen Agama tanggal 9 Juli 2007 di tempat penyelenggaraan seleksi/pendaftaran atau melalui Website : www.ditpertais.net
Peserta yang lulus sebagai calon penerima beasiswa S1al-Azhar akan mengikuti seleksi lanjutan (muqobalah) pada waktu yang akan ditetapkan kemudian.
Peserta seleksi non beasiswa ke Al-Azhar yang dinyatakan lulus dapat memproses berkas pendaftarannya melalui KBRI Kairo

Tim Pelaksana Seleksi

Tim Pelaksana Pusat dibentuk dan ditunjuk oleh Dirjen Pendidikan Islam

2. Tim Pelaksana Daerah dibentuk dan ditunjuk oleh Rektor UIN/IAIN/Ketua STAIN yang bersangkutan.
Tim Penguji baik tulis maupun lisan ditunjuk Dirjen Pendidikan Islam

Lain- lain

Informasi lebih lanjut diharapkan menghubungi Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi Islam melalui nomor telpon/faksimili nomor (021) 3519734 atau 3812344 ext. 326

Hal-hal yang belum diatur dalam petunjuk pelaksanaan ini akan ditentukan kemudian.

Jakarta, April 2007

Direktur Pendidikan Tinggi Islam

Prof. Abdurahman Mas’ud, Ph.D
NIP. 150 240 107



Mastercard - U21 Global Scholarship Programme
Deadline: 30 June 2007

U21Global, together with MasterCard Worldwide, is delighted to present the joint scholarship programme exclusively for women in the Travel and Tourism industry.

The programme comprises 20 scholarships for the U21Global Executive Diploma of Business Administration that can articulate into the University of Nottingham MSc in Tourism and Travel Management.
This programme will give you a unique edge in the region’s fast growing tourism sector, honing your managerial expertise while developing specialised skill in tourism and travel management. The course is supported by our extensively-research pedagogy, delivered online for convenient and flexible access.

Eligibility Criteria:

o Open only to women residing in Asia/Pacific (including the South Asia region), South Africa, UAE and Saudi Arabia.
o Must be currently working in the tourism and travel industry in these regions
o Must be nominated by the employer
o At least 1 reference of the 2 required must come from the CEO or HR Director

Closing date : 30th June 2007

To apply click here



:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Monday, May 28, 2007

Beasiswa S1, S2 dan S3 di Australia

Astralian Leadership Award - Scholarships

Australian Scholarships (The Pathway To Excellence)

Are you a future leader?
Apply now for the Australian Leadership Award

The Australian Leadership Award provide opportunities for post-graduate study in Australia at masters and doctoral levels.

If you are an Indonesian citizen in a leadership role or have the potential to assume a leadership role in public, private, or community sectors then you may be eligible for an Australian Leadership Award.

Priority fields for 2008 are international trade, security, pandemics, and climate change (including clean energy). However, , other fields of studies such as management, economics, business, political science, philosophy, history, law and public policy are still relevant to the Award.

Candidates must demonstrate high academic achivement and advanced English language skills.

Full details and application packages are available at australianscholarships.gov.au or email ala@ausaid.gov.au

Application close July 31, 2007

Australian Scholarships
Astralian Leadership Award are managed by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Saturday, May 26, 2007

Beasiswa Monbukagakusho Lulusan SLTA SMA SMU

Informasi Beasiswa Monbukagakusho untuk Lulusan SLTA dan Sederajat

Pendaftaran Beasiswa Monbukagakusho bagi lulusan SLTA dan Sederajat untuk keberangkatan tahun 2008 akan dibuka 31 Mei 2007 dan ditutup pada 27 Juni 2007.
Persyaratan nilai pengambilan formulir mengalami perubahan sebagai berikut :

S-1 8,0 ? 8,2
D-3 7,7 ? 8,0
D-2 7,4 ? 7,7

Untuk persyaratan dan keterangan lain mengenai beasiswa program ini, dapat dilihat di sini. (PDF file)


Beasiswa S3 Eonomi dan Bisnis di Italy

Italy: PhD Scholarships in Business and Economics, University of Venice

Advanced School of Economics, University of Venice (Italy)

Three-year financial support available for applicants to the Ph.D. in Business (5 scholarships) and the Ph.D. in Economics (4 scholarships) of the Advanced School of Economics, University of Venice, Italy. One year of core courses and an extra semester of advanced courses to prepare for research activities. Study abroad option with one of six top-level partner universities in the European Doctoral Network for Quantitative Economics (QED).
Applicants should have a degree with a good grade in Economics, Business Administration, a related discipline or in a field with a strong background in business or economics and quantitative methods. For further information see http://venus.unive.it/sse/ and also http://www.unive.it/ We are looking forward to receiving your application.

Application has to be received by 22 June 2007.


Beasiswa S3 Ekonomi di German

PhD Scholarships in Experimental Economics 2007-2008 Germany

Germany PhD Scholarships in Experimental Economics, Consumption Theory, Strategic Interaction and Game Theory, Jena Graduate Academy

The Department of Economics of the Universität Jena and the Max Planck Institute of Economics in Jena offer a distinguished DFG sponsored PhD Program in Economics to currently 32 outstanding young graduates on a full time basis. The program is
international and highly committed with quality in teaching and research. All academic activities of the PhD program are conducted in English.

We attempt to have a good mixture of PhD students. Currently we are looking for strong candidates in particular from the following fields:

strategic interaction and game theory
experimental economics
consumption theory

Applications are welcome from outstanding students who own a Diploma, Master, or equivalent in economics or related fields.

More information about the program and the application procedure can be found at http://gk.wiwi.uni-jena.de/

There is no specific deadline. The scholarships are kept open until suitable candidates are found.

Application has to be received by 15 June 2007.


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Thursday, May 24, 2007

Beasiswa S2 dan S2 dari Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) 2007-2008

Application: 18 June - 7 September 2007
Each year, the Australian Government sponsors people from some developing countries to study in Australia through Australian Development Scholarships (ADS). The Australian Development Scholarship program in Indonesia aims to promote private and public sector human resource development in areas of agreed development priority.

Scholarships are generally available for full-time post-graduate study, from master degree level to PhD at Australian universities . Priority is given to fields of study that assist development goals. From time to time the Australian government and Indonesia review these criteria and adjust the emphasis of the program.
The broad areas of agreed priority in 2007/2008 are Economic Management, Democratic Institutions and Practice, Basic Social Services and Security and Stability. Areas of agreed priority will be updated whenever more information becomes available. Note : Priority development areas (or sectors) are not fields of study. The fields of study are listed beneath the priority development areas.

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Types of Scholarships

In Indonesia, Australian Development Scholarship program offered in two categories:

* Public Sector: the Public sector applicants are employees from Government departments, state universities and state owned enterprises. Their applications must be approved by training or foreign cooperation bureaus (BKLN) / Education & Training Center (Pusdiklat) / Rector of their agencies before being submitted to the ADS Office.

* Open Sector: individuals may independently apply for a scholarship in open category. There may be some specific selection and eligibility criteria

"Targeted Scholarships: Public Sector and Other" candidates are employed by agencies associated with AusAID projects or AusAID related activities, including government organizations, state owned enterprises, non-government organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations (CSOs) and key state and private higher education institutions which service the training needs of these organizations. Suitable applicants will be identified through the assistance of a Human Resource Development (HRD) Planning Specialist working with these target agencies . Their nomination must be facilitated through the Australian Team Leader (ATL) or the relevant representative of an AusAID activity . Up to 50% of all awards will be assigned to this category, including 6 scholarships to the Bali health sector.

Applicant Requirements

General Requirements

Scholarship Applicants must:

* be an Indonesian citizen and not have permanent residence in Australia or New Zealand;
* not be married or engaged to a person who is eligible to hold Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residence;
* satisfy Australian Government requirements for international student entry to Australia (health, character etc.);
* not hold a scholarship that would give overlapping benefits;
* not have held an Australian Government Scholarship in the 12 months preceding the application;
* be applying to commence a new course of study and not be seeking support through ADS for a course already commenced in Australia ;
* be able to take up the scholarship in the year in which it is offered; and
* satisfy the admission requirements of the Australian tertiary institution in which the course is to be undertaken.

Specific Requirements

Scholarship Applicants must:

* be applying for courses that fall within the areas of development priority;
* have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.9 (on a scale of maximum 4.0) and an English language proficiency of at least 5.0 in IELTS (500 in Institutional TOEFL or 170 in International TOEFL). The IELTS or TOEFL result must be current (a test result obtained in 2006 or 2007 will be considered current);
* already hold an undergraduate degree, if applying for a Masters ;
* already have a Masters , if applying for a doctorate ;
* apply for a degree at a level higher than their current highest qualification;
* if applying for doctorate, applicants must be staff of universities, higher education institutions, research institutes, key policy makers and targeted candidates in other agencies associated with AusAID activities. It is highly desirable for doctorate applicants to have a letter of support from Australian university for their proposed field of study;
* answer all relevant questions on the application form; and
* be willing and available to take full-time English for Academic Purposes ( EAP ) training in Indonesia prior to studying in Australia if offered a scholarship
* be no more than 42 at time of application.

Submitting the Application

To complete your application you will need to submit the following documents:

* 3 (three) Copies of completed Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) application form
* 3 (three) Copies of Birth Certificate / passport / Identity Card (KTP)
* 3 (three) Copies of Certified Certificate from S1 for Master and Doctorate applicants
* 3 (three) Copies of Certified Transcript from S1 for Master and Doctorate applicants
* 3 (three) Copies of Certified Certificate from S2 for Doctorate applicants
* 3 (three) Copies of Certified Transcript from S2 for Doctorate applicants
* 3 (three) Copies of IELTS or TOEFL results (minimum obtained in 2006 or 2007)
* 3 (three) Copies Reference Letter from S2 supervisor for Doctorate applicants
* 3 (three) Copies of research outline for Master (full research) and Doctorate applicants
* 3 (three) Copies of CV (Curriculum Vitae).

How to Apply?

1. Submit / send 3 (three) copies of the completed ADS application forms together with the required documents to ADS office directly in person or through mailing post or courier service.

2. ADS will send notification letter to all applicants.

More informations and application are available at:


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Beasiswa S2 di USA dan India

Master Scholarships in Computer Science from India and USA

Need a scholarship specially in computer science ? Aegis School in India cooperation with University in USA are offering 30 Scholarships for study of Masters of Science in Computer Science at Aegis School Mumbai, India for 8 months and 4 months at Schiller International University, Florida.

Aegis offers a one MS Computer Science / Masters Program in Information Systems (MPIS) program in association with Schiller International University US. Aegis was started in 2002 with the support of Bharti Tele (Airtel) for developing the next generation of international IT/ Telecommunication leaders.
There are 30 scholarships to be offered to high caliber individuals for MS computer science for academic sessions July 2007 to June 2008 and January 2008 to Dec 2009. To be eligible for Scholarship you need to have 3 years or 4 years of Undergraduate degree and final admission offer letter for MS computer Science at Aegis-Schiller.

Aegis-Schiller association offers you an option to study 8 months in Mumbai and one semester of 4 months, having 6 courses, at Schiller’s Florida (USA) campus leading to MS Computer Science or an MBA IT or degree from Schiller International University. There will be two months of internship with leading IT/ S/W companies leading to final employment.

Aegis has excellent placement record: An American student finished Dual Program was offered a whopping special package of INR 950,000 (9.5 lacs) by Ernst & Young India. Reliance Infocom offered a package of INR 850,000 (8.5 Lacs) at Aegis. Aegis alumni are employed with companies like Ernst & Young, AirTel (Bharti), Alcatel, VSNL, 3D Networks, Reliance Infocom, WIPRO Technologies, Infosys, Hexaware, HSBC etc.Aegis School is currently recruiting candidates for MS Computer Science/ MPIS, Masters Program in Telecommunication Management ( MPTM) and MBA IT. Send your resume at admission@aegisedu.org and apply online or download the application at www.aegisedu.org for fast processing and interview scheduling.

Ajeet Jha,
Aegis School of Telecommunication
Office of Admission Processing
Mahesh, Plot No.37, Sector 15,
CBD, Belapur,Navi Mumbai 400614, India
Phone: +91 022 32988871, (M) +91 (0) 9322525977 (M) +91 98209 70483
E-mail: admission@aegisedu.org
Website: www.aegisedu.org

Master scholarship in Computer Science, 8 month in India and 4 month in USA. Beasiswa S2 di bidang Ilmu Komputer. 8 tahun kuliah di Mumbai India dan 4 tahun dilanjutkan di Florida Amerika.

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Sunday, May 20, 2007

Beasiswa S1 dari Program NUS dan NTU

NTU and NUS admission intake information

This post will summarize admission process and applicate date for Nanyang Technological University and National University of Singapore. This post will be updated regularly as soon as updated information from related institution is available.

Undergraduate Program NUS

Indonesian SMU UAN (Ebtanas)
* If you have taken the SMU UAN (Ebtanas) in 2007 or earlier, please submit your results slip as well as an acceptable English Language score. You must have taken at least six subjects, including English Language and Bahasa Indonesia. The acceptable English Language score must reach the Office of Admissions by 31 December 2007.

* If you are taking the SMU UAN (Ebtanas) in 2008, please submit your SMU 2 Semester 2 results slip (for normal stream) or SMU 2 Term 1 results slip (for accelerated stream) by the application closing date. You may be required to take the University Entrance Examination (UEE).

* Application closing date: 31 December 2007.

Undergraduate Program NTU

International Students

Application for international applicants with international qualifications for admission in Academic Year 2007-08 re-commence in October 2007. Please visit our website in October 2007 for updates. http://www.ntu.edu.sg/Admissions/International+Students/


Beasiswa Australia: AIHS Scholarship

Australian International Hotel School (AIHS) Scholarship

The scholarships are open to Australian, New Zealand, and International students. Selection is on the basis of academic performance, work experience, completion of the Certificate II in Hospitality, and personal qualities. The AIHS awards scholarships partial tuition fee scholarships, valued at up to A$10,000.
Scholarships are currently on offer for intakes in 2007 (February, April, July and September): there are no specific deadlines, however students must apply at the time of application.

Duration: 1.0 year
Annual value: $A 2,500.00
Total value: $A 10,000.00
Extra Details: Scholarships are currently on offer for intakes in 2007 (February, April, July and September): there are no specific deadlines, however students must apply at the time of application.

Important Dates
Application closing date: Continuous Application

Field of study

This scholarship is available for courses on the following fields of study:

* Business Administration, Management
* Services, Hospitality, Transport
* Services, Hospitality, Transport

Contact Information
Phone: +61 (2) 62344400
Fax: +61 (2) 62344545
Email: degree.info@aihs.edu.au
Website: http://www.aihs.edu.au


Beasiswa Penelitian TERANGI


. Pelamar adalah mahasiswa pasca sarjana (S2) di bidang ekonomi, lingkungan, perikanan atau kelautan yang akan melaksanakan Tugas Akhir.
. Memahami ekologi terumbu karang dan kegiatan wisata bahari merupakan nilai lebih.


TERANGI adalah sebuah yayasan nirlaba yang bertujuan mendukung konservasi dan pengelolaan sumber daya terumbu karang Indonesia secara
berkelanjutan. Kami membuka peluang bagi 1 orang mahasiswa/i pasca-sarjana yang akan melakukan Tugas Akhir untuk melaksanakan studi
terkait ekonomi ekowisata bahari.

Pengembangan ekowisata bahari di salah satu kelurahan di Kepulauan Seribu diinisiasi oleh kelompok pemuda bernama Elang Ekowisata di tahun 2004. TERANGI melakukan pendampingan serta memberikan sejumlah pengetahuan dan keahlian kepada Elang Ekowisata. Kegiatan ini terus berkembang sehingga membuka peluang keikutsertaan masyarakat secara kelompok maupun perorangan dalam ekowisata tersebut. Inisiatif tersebut adalah sebuah upaya menuju pemanfaatan bersifat non-ekstraktif serta dilakukan sepenuhnya oleh dan untuk masyarakat.

Penelitian yang dilakukan ditujukan untuk menilai apakah kegiatan ekowisata memiliki peluang sebagai sebuah mata pencaharian alternatif yang mempertemukan antara kepentingan ekologi dan ekonomi di Kepulauan Seribu. Keluaran yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini antara lain:

. Data dan informasi dasar mengenai profil organisasi dan komunitas wisata di Kelurahan Panggang, Kepulauan Seribu.
. Data dan informasi dampak positif dan negatif dari kegiatan ekowisata terhadap dinamika masyarakat setempat.
. Persepsi pihak-pihak terkait seperti pemerintah dan pengunjung terhadap kegiatan ekowisata bahari yang dikembangkan.
. Nilai ekonomi kegiatan ekowisata bahari.
. Daftar identifikasi ancaman, masalah, solusi dan peluang organisasi ekowisata berbasis masyarakat di Kelurahan Panggang.


. Penelitian sampai dengan pelaporan berlangsung dalam durasi 6 - 12 bulan, dimulai dari Juni 2007.
. Pelamar bebas memilih metode yang paling tepat dan paling efektif, namun harus dapat dipertanggung jawabkan secara ilmiah.
. Maksimal frekuensi survei lapangan adalah 3 kali.
. Pelamar harus mencantumkan berapa tambahan SDM yang dibutuhkan untuk membantu penelitian (TERANGI yang akan menyiapkan SDM secara terbatas).
. Peneliti dapat menggunakan data biologi, ekologi dan dokumen terkait lainnya yang ada di TERANGI sebagai penunjang penelitian.
. Besarnya nilai beasiswa akan ditentukan berdasarkan kebutuhan dana yang terkait dengan tujuan, metode dan durasi penelitian yang diajukan oleh setiap pelamar, serta ketersediaan dana.

Beasiswa penelitian mencakup:
. Transportasi dari dan ke Kepulauan Seribu
. Akomodasi dan transportasi di Kepulauan Seribu sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku di TERANGI.
. Pembelian dan/atau penyewaan perlengkapan dan peralatan yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan studi.
. Asuransi perjalanan.

Beasiwa penelitian tidak mencakup:
. Honor untuk penerima beasiswa.
. Akomodasi dan transportasi selama Anda berada di kota tempat Anda kuliah atau di Jakarta.
. Keperluan seminar atau sidang di tempat Anda menempuh studi.
. Perbanyakan tesis untuk universitas.

Pelamar yang tertarik silahkan mengirimkan:
1. Proposal penelitian (pendahuluan, metode, analisa data dan nama dosen pembimbing) sebanyak 2 - 4 halaman,
2. Rincian biaya penelitian yang diperlukan maksimal 1 halaman,
3. Fotokopi transkrip semester terakhir yang dilegalisir,
4. Curriculum vitae (termasuk kompetensi yang dimiliki) dan foto terbaru maksimal 2 halaman.
5. Surat referensi atau dukungan dari Fakultas/Program Studi tempat mahasiswa menempuh studi (bisa menyusul paling lambat tanggal 28 Mei 2007).

Seleksi beasiswa penelitian TERANGI sangat kompetitif, berdasarkan kesesuaian penelitian, keunggulan akademik dan kualitas pelamar.

Keputusan tim penilai adalah final dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.


. 23 - 24 Mei Tim penilai akan menyeleksi kelengkapan aplikasi dan menilai kesesuaian penelitian terhadap kriteria yang telah diset oleh TERANGI. Kriteria ini akan menfokuskan pada tujuan program dan kemampuan pelamar. Kandidat yang tidak lolos dalam tahap ini akan menerima
pemberitahuan secara tertulis.

. 25 Mei Kandidat yang lolos akan diberitahu dan akan diminta untuk menyiapkan presentasi (dalam bentuk powerpoint) mengenai metode dan keluaran yang dipakai dalam proposal. Pemberitahuan akan disampaikan melalui telepon.

. 28 Mei Kandidat terpilih harus datang ke kantor TERANGI untuk melakukan wawancara dan presentasi proposal (dalam bentuk powerpoint).

. 30 Mei Pengumuman penerima beasiswa melalui telepon.

. 31 Mei Penerima beasiswa harus melengkapi dokumen administrasi dan finansial. Bila telah lengkap, penerima beasiswa baru mendapatkan surat resmi beasiswa penelitian TERANGI dan diijinkan memulai penelitian.

YAYASAN TERANGI melalui pos ke Kompleks Ligamas Indah Blok E 2 No. 11 Pancoran Jakarta 12760 atau melalui email ke coral.science@ terangi.or. id.



Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan menghubungi:
Estra/Nugroho/ Idris di 021 - 799 4912
atau Email: coral.science@ terangi.or. id.


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Friday, May 18, 2007

Alcoa Foundation Fellowship 2007-2008 in USA

USA Third Round of Alcoa Foundation Fellowship
Deadline: 31 May 2007
The World Conservation Union (IUCN), one of three Sustainability Institutes for the Alcoa Foundation Conservation and Sustainability Fellowship Programme, is calling for qualified mid-career conservation and sustainable development practitioners from NGOs to submit high-quality proposals for applied research in the following areas key to IUCN’s work:

The Implications of Biodiversity of Alternative New Forms of Energy
Review and Synthesis of Corporate Biodiversity Management and Reporting Systems (including Indicators)
Biomimicry – The Use of Biological Systems to Help Design New Approaches to Sustainability
The Contribution of the Cultural and Spiritual Values of Indigenous Peoples to Protected Area Objectives
Detailed Case Study of One or More Biodiversity Compensation Schemes
The Implications for Conservation of Major Demographic Trends, Including Ageing, Urbanization, and Population Movements
For more information and to download the application, please visit www.alcoafoundationfellows.org/page/pf2007 .

Applications will be accepted until 31st May 2007.

Established in October 2005, Alcoa Foundation's Conservation and Sustainability Fellowship Program is a unique, international fellowship program created to advance the knowledge and support for exemplary work in the field of conservation and sustainability.

Practitioner Fellowships provide a non-degree opportunity for qualified middle-level professionals from NGOs (and in some cases, government) to conduct approved six- to twelve-month intensive applied research projects in conservation and sustainability. Fellows work from their home organizations and are mentored by an expert from one of the program’s Sustainability Institutes. The Alcoa Foundation supports each fellow with a substantial stipend plus funding for bi-annual meetings of the fellows.

The scope of the program is broad and approved topics fall within the areas of climate change and energy, conservation of fragile ecosystems, sustainable livelihoods and economic growth, and integrating sustainability into public policy and governance. Other Sustainability Institutes involved in the Fellowship are WWF-USA and Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) in Mexico. Please refer to the website for specific topics and application instructions.

Individuals with queries about the Fellowship Programme are asked to contact:
Institute of International Education
1400 K Street, NW, Suite 650, Washington, D.C. 20005


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Beasiswa S1 di Inggris

Britain University College London (UCL)-Africa Educational Trust (AET) Undergraduate International Outreach Bursaries

University College London (UCL) and the Africa Educational Trust (AET) have agreed to collaborate in a scheme to enable students from Africa, who are financially unable to study in the UK, to pursue full-time undergraduate studies at UCL. With this scheme UCL supports the aims of AET to help the people of Africa to help themselves.

Under the scheme, two full bursaries are available annually for AET-nominated students who have accepted offers of places at UCL.

Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must:
be a national of any African country (including Madagascar), currently living in an African country, and have one or both parents living in an African country, or are orphaned; AND
be currently attending school or have completed school in an African country; AND
hold a current offer of admission from UCAS (either conditional or unconditional) to a full-time undergraduate degree programme of study at UCL starting September 2007, which you have firmly accepted (accepting UCL as the insurance offer choice does not satisfy the conditions of the bursary); AND
be liable to pay tuition fees at the rate applicable to Overseas students, as assessed by UCL; AND
lack the financial means necessary to pursue undergraduate degree studies at UCL.
Selection Criteria
Scholarships are awarded based on the aims of the scholarship.

Value: Benefits and Duration
Each bursary will consist of full tuition fees and a maintenance allowance for the duration of the student’s programme of study, as well as economy air travel to/from the UK at the beginning and end of the bursary-holder’s degree programme. The maintenance allowance will normally rise each year in line with inflation but at the absolute discretion of UCL. In addition, the bursary includes an allowance (on request and up to a specified maximum sum per bursary holder) to permit two members of the bursary-holder’s family to attend their graduation ceremony. Annual renewal of the bursary is subject to good academic progress by the student.

Applications Deadline and Procedure
If you fulfill ALL the eligibility requirements above, please email a.crowley@africaeducationaltrust.org to request an application form. You will be required to prove that you have applied to UCAS for undergraduate admission to UCL and have been offered a place.

Applications must be submitted electronically to a.crowley@africaeducationaltrust.org by 25 May (deadline extended from 30 April) prior to the start of the programme of study. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered for funding. Your application is deemed incomplete without a valid UCAS application number.

Selection Procedure
AET will select 10 applicants from the eligible applications received – with attention to the financial circumstances of the applicants. The 10 short-listed applicants will be contacted by AET in late May/early June (by email), and asked to write and submit a short essay on a topic which is set each year by UCL. AET will also require applicants to provide documentation in support of the information provided in the application form. Essays and any supporting documentation required must be submitted to AET in June.

The full applications including essays will be forwarded by AET to UCL at 30 June. UCL will select the two academically most promising candidates to receive the bursaries.

Notification of Results
The two successful applicants will be contacted by UCL in August.

More details


Beasiswa Monbukagakusho 2007-2008 untuk Lulusan SLTA SMU SMA SMK

Informasi Beasiswa Monbukagakusho untuk Lulusan SLTA dan Sederajat

Pendaftaran Beasiswa Monbukagakusho bagi lulusan SLTA dan Sederajat untuk keberangkatan tahun 2008 akan dibuka 31 Mei 2007 dan ditutup pada 27 Juni 2007.
Persyaratan nilai pengambilan formulir mengalami perubahan sebagai berikut :
S-1 8,0 → 8,2
D-3 7,7 → 8,0
D-2 7,4 → 7,7

Untuk persyaratan dan keterangan lain mengenai beasiswa program ini, silahkan download (donlod) di sini. (PDF file)

Untuk melihat bidang-bidang studi yang ditawarkan untuk College of Technology (D-3) (Majors and Related Key Terms for Fields of Study), silahkan lihat info di bawah:

Majors and Related Key Terms for Fields of Study

Field of Study Majors and Related Key Terms
Mechanical Engineering Machine Elements and Material Processing
Materials Science and Mechanics
Fluid and Thermal Engineering
Mechanical System Design and Control
CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/ Computer Aided Manufacturing)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Analog Circuits
Electric Power System
Power Electronics
Digital Circuits
Integrated Circuits
Electric/ Electronic Materials
Electric/ Electronic Device
Electric/ Electronic Control
Information, Communication and Network Engineering Signal/ Image Processing
Cable Communication
Wireless Communication
Communication Engineering
Satellite Communication
Computer Software
Computer Graphics
Operating System
Peripherals and Interface Technology
Computer Network
Communication Control
Materials Engineering Metallurgical Engineering
Inorganic Materials Engineering
Organic Materials Engineering
Polymer Chemistry
Chemical Engineering
Biological Chemistry
Biological Engineering
Environmental Engineering in Materials Science and Engineering
Architecture and Civil Engineering Architectural Design and Planning
Structural Engineering in Architecture
Building Materials and Execution Works
History of Architecture
Structural Engineering
Materials in Civil Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Urban Engineering
Maritime Engineering Navigation
Position Fixing
Ship Maneuvering and Seamanship
Oceanography and Meteorology
Maritime Laws
Naval Architecture
Marine Diesel Engine
Marine Auxiliary Machinery
Marine Material
Other Fields International Communication
Management Information Engineering


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Monday, May 14, 2007

Beasiswa S1, D3, dan D2 dari Pemerintah Jepang (Beasiswa Monbukagakusho) Tahun 2007

Pemerintah Jepang kembali membuka kesempatan beasiswa Monbukagakusho 2008 bagi lulusan SLTA untuk menempuh pendidikan setingkat S1, D3, dan D2. Pendaftaran akan dibuka pada akhir 31 Mei 2007 dan akan ditutup pada 27 Juni 2007

Program S1

Program S-1 merupakan program beasiswa 5 tahun (kecuali jurusan
Kedokteran Umum, Gigi dan Hewan, 7 tahun) yang bisa diikuti lulusan SLTA baik jurusan IPA ataupun IPS Semua bidang bisa dipilih, kecuali bidang musik dan olah raga. Masa 5 atau 7 tahun sudah termasuk 1 tahun belajar bahasa di Jepang. Dan universitasnya baru ditentukan setelah tiba di Jepang berdasar hasil persaingan saat belajar bahasa selama 1 tahun di Jepang.

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Program D-3 atau Politeknik

Program D-3 merupakan program beasiswa 4 tahun (termasuk 1 tahun belajar bahasa Jepang) yang dikhususkan bagi lulusan IPA yang berminat dibidang teknik (engineering) . Program yang materinya lebih pada praktek dan eksperimen ini memungkinkan bagi lulusan yang berprestasi untuk melanjutkan ke jenjang S-1. Sekolah tujuan sudah ditentukan sebelum keberangkatan ke Jepang.

Program D-2

Program yang setara dengan akademi yang akan mendidik para calon spesialis (profesional) ini ditempuh dalam waktu 3 tahun (termasuk belajar bahasa Jepang 1 tahun) dan bisa diikuti oleh lulusan SLTA jurusan IPA maupun IPS. Sama dengan program D-3, sekolahnya sudah ditentukan sebelum keberangkatan.

Fasilitas :

* Bebas biaya ujian masuk universitas, biaya kuliah, dan matrikulasi. (tidak termasuk biaya buku paket dan alat tulis).

* Tunjangan biaya hidup sebesar 134.000 yen setiap bulannya. Tunjangan pertama di Jepang sebesar 25.000 yen.

* Kursus Bahasa Jepang Gratis, baik saat di Indonesia ataupun di Jepang. Di Indonesia sekitar 3 minggu sebelum berangkat dan di Jepang selama setahun sebelum masuk kuliah. Dan tempatnya untuk peserta program S-1 dan D2 dibagi antara Tokyo dan Osaka, untuk program D3 semua di Tokyo.

* Kemudahan dalam pencarian asrama, apartemen atau sejenisnya. Di jepang, terutama untuk mahasiswa asing, sering mendapat kesulitan dalam pencarian tempat tinggal. Namun banyak pemilik apartemen atau asrama yang gmemperlunak h syarat bagi penerima beasiswa mombukagakusho.

* Diikutsertakan dalam asuransi kesehatan nasional Jepang dan program subsidi biaya kesehatan AIEJ.

* Tiket pesawat JAL Indonesia-Jepang kelas ekonomi. Tiket pesawat ini hanya diberikan 2 kali, saat pertama kali berangkat dari Indonesia, dan saat kembali ke Indonesia setelah menyelesaikan studi dengan beasiswa mombukagakusho

Syarat pendaftaran untuk Program S-1, D-3 dan D-2 :

* Lulusan SLTA baik itu SMU, STM ataupun Madrasah Aliyah
* Berusia di bawah 22 tahun saat keberangkatan.
* Memenuhi batas minimal nilai rata-rata UAN dan nilai rata-rata rapor kelas semester akhir (dengan perincian sebagai berikut) :

Program Nilai minimal

Program Nilai Miimal S1 8,2 D3 8,0 D2 7,7

Tahapan seleksi :

* Seleksi Dokumen, hanya yang memenuhi syarat-syarat di atas yang diperbolehkan mengambil formulir pendaftaran di Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang atau Konsulat Jenderal Jepang terdekat (Medan, Surabaya, Makassar).

* Tes Tertulis, diperuntukkan bagi yang lulus seleksi dokumen, dan mendapat panggilan untuk mengikuti tes tertulis (tidak semua pelamar dipanggil untuk tes tertulis). Biasanya tes diadakan akhir bulan Juli.

* Tes Wawancara, bagi yang lulus Tes Tertulis akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti Tes Wawancara di Kedubes Jepang di Jakarta. Wawancara dalam bahasa Indonesia. Isi pertanyaan lebih mengarah kepada kesiapan mental pendaftar untuk hidup sendiri melanjutkan studi ke Jepang.

* Seleksi akhir oleh Monbukagakusho, Pelamar yang lulus Tes Tertulis dan Tes Wawancara, datanya akan diserahkan (direkomendasikan) kepada Monbukagakusho. Keputusan akhir ditetapkan oleh Monbukagakusho sekitar akhir bulan Januari tahun berikutnya. Bagi yang lolos semua seleksi dan berhasil mendapatkan rekomendasi dari Monbukagakusho, akan berangkat ke Jepang awal bulan April.

* Untuk Tes Tertulis, semua soal dalam bahasa Inggris (boleh menggunakan kamus bahasa Inggris-Indonesia kecuali dalam ujian bahasa Inggris).

* Materi ujian disesuaikan dengan Program beasiswa dan jurusan yang dipilih.

- Untuk Program S-1 jurusan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial & Humaniora materi ujiannya adalah Bahasa Inggris, Matematika, Sejarah Dunia

- Untuk Program S-1 jurusan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, materi ujiannya adalah Bahasa Inggris, Matematika, Kimia dan Fisika/Biologi*

- Untuk Program D-3, materi ujiannya adalah Matematika dan Fisika / Kimia*.

- Untuk Program D-2, materi ujiannya adalah Bahasa Inggris dan Matematika.

(*:tergantung pilihan bidang studi yang dipilih)

Pendaftaran dilakukan di Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang untuk Indonesia, di Jakarta, atau di 3 Konsulat Jenderal Jepang yang tersebar di Surabaya, Medan dan Makassar. Adapun formulir pendaftaran bisa didownload disini

Alamat dan nomor teleponnya adalah sebagai berikut :

Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang,
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 24 Jakarta 10350
Telp. (021) 3192-4308

Konsulat Jenderal Jepang di Surabaya,
Jl. Sumatera No. 93
Telp. (031) 503-0008
Konsulat Jenderal Jepang di Medan,
Wisma BII Lt. 5, Jl. P. Diponegoro No. 18
Telp. (061) 457-5193

Konsulat Jenderal Jepang di Makassar,
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 31
Telp. (0411) 871-030

Informasi selengkapnya:


Beasiswa S1, S2 dan S3 dari Pemerintah Mexico

Mexico] Mexican Government Scholarships 2008 for Foreigners

Deadline: Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Types of scholarships offered:

* Bachelor`s (*)
* Master`s
* Doctorate
* Specialty
* Medical Specialty
* Post-doctoral Visits
* Research Visits
* Artistic Visits
* Visiting Professors
* High-level Lecturers
* Spanish Language and Mexican Culture

(*) Only in the case of "special offers".

Scholarships are offered in all areas of knowledge except for odontology, plastic surgery, marketing, accounting, advertising, business administration and related areas. In the field of medicine, scholarships are awarded only in the areas established under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Ministry of Health Program.

More than 90 specialized Mexican institutions recognized for their high academic level and teaching quality.

These scholarships are open to foreigners who are not currently residing in Mexico and who meet the following requirements:

* Academic excellence
* Working experience in the area of study applied for
* Nominated by their government
* Have a working commitment in their country at the end of the scholarship


* Meet the requirements stipulated in the Call for SRE Scholarships for Foreigners.
* Have completed High School and hold a Bachelor`s, Master`s or Doctorate degree, depending on the type of studies they intend to pursue.
* Have the academic acceptance of the receiving Mexican institution where they are to study.
* Have a minimum GPA of 8, on a scale of 1 to 10 (or equivalent).
* Return to their country of origin upon conclusion of the scholarship.


* Enrollment and school fees.
* Monthly allowance:
o 4 minimum D.F. (Federal District-Mexico City) wages for a Bachelor`s, Master`s, non-medical Specialty or Master`s research.
o 5 D.F. minimum wages for a Doctorate, doctoral research, postdoctoral visits, and medical specialties or subspecialties.
* Full coverage medical insurance from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), effective as of the third month of the scholarship.
* At the beginning of the scholarship, transportation from Mexico City to the city of the academic institution where the recipient is to study, and transportation from there back to Mexico City upon termination of the scholarship.
* International air travel, but only in the cases indicated in this Call.

(*) Any expenses not stipulated in the foregoing shall be payable by the scholarship grantee, including: costs involving printing of the thesis; tutorials, graduation and degree-procurement processing fees; study incorporation and validation fees; costs of registration in the National Register of Foreigners; visa renewal fees.


The first allowance will be paid to scholarship grantees at the end of the month of their arrival and in accordance with the annual schedule they will receive from their local Mexican Embassy before traveling to Mexico. Consequently, it is essential that recipients bring enough funds for living expenses for at least the first 30 days.

The monthly-allowance payment day is stipulated in the annual schedule. In accordance with said schedule, all scholarship grantees accredited with institutions in the metropolitan area (Mexico City) must go to sign the corresponding payroll list at the offices of the Directorate for Academic Exchange. Scholarship grantees studying in the interior of the Republic must send - via fax or e-mail - confirmation of receipt of their allowance payment. For said purpose and at the moment of being documented, they will be given a simple form prepared by the Directorate for Academic Exchange.

Is divided into two stages:

* Preselection in the candidate`s country.
* Definitive selection by the related competent authorities in Mexico.

Scholarships for the year 2008 will be granted by the SRE (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) through its General Directorate for Cultural Affairs and the grantees of said scholarships will be notified between November 15, 2007, and February 29, 2008. The results shall be delivered in writing at the corresponding Mexican Embassy.


Once candidates have received official written notification of the scholarship award, they must then proceed to process all the formalities stipulated before the corresponding Mexican Embassy or Consulate. Grantees must be documented as scholarship students with Immigration Form 3 (FM3 Subsection VII) - not as tourists. Scholarship grantees may not travel on diplomatic or official passports.

If international air travel forms part of the scholarship benefits, the airline ticket will be arranged by the General Subdirectorate for Program Planning and Control of the General Directorate for Cultural Affairs and sent to the grantee`s country. The Mexican Embassy will inform the grantee of the ticket details. In the event international air travel is not included in the scholarship benefits, grantees must travel to Mexico at their own expense.

Upon arrival in Mexico City, scholarship grantees must report in person to the offices of the General Directorate for Cultural Affairs located at: Plaza Juárez N°20, Piso 4 (Fourth Floor), Col. Centro, 06010, México, D.F. between 09:00 and 13:30 hours to arrange the necessary formalities for their registration as SRE scholarship grantees.

Upon completion of their studies, scholarship grantees must hand in to the Directorate for Academic Exchange of the General Directorate for Cultural Affairs a scanned copy of the cover sheet and an electronic version of their thesis - in the case of formal school studies and research students must hand in their final work. If applicable, they must also request the airline ticket to return to their native countries and must personally close out their account with the HSBC bank.

These can be found in the document entitled "Rules Applicable to Grantees of SRE Scholarships for Foreigners", which grantees must sign at the moment of receiving the scholarship award and thereby promise to abide by the contents. Of the latter, the most important are to:

* Respect Mexican laws.
* Maintain a minimum grade point average of 8.5 in their studies.
* Provide the Directorate for Academic Exchange with periodic reports on their academic activities and/or research.
* Reside in Mexico for the duration of the scholarship.

Mexican Government scholarships are intended for nationals of other countries to benefit from the experience and knowledge acquired in our country. Nonetheless, they are also conceived as multiplying mechanisms insofar as scholarship grantees return to their native countries and pass on their experience. Hence, it is an essential requirement that grantees return to their homeland upon termination of their studies in Mexico.

There are three types of application forms: Application Form "A", which is used for all postgraduate and multilateral programs; Application Form "B", used exclusively for Special Programs, with the exception of Professional Practice programs and the program for Asia, Pacific, Africa, and the Middle East; and Application Form "C", which is used for Bachelor`s studies.

Candidates` documentation must be presented in dossier form before the Mexican Embassy located in the candidates` country of origin or before the concurrent corresponding Embassy through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and/or the local government Institution designated for said purpose (between February 15 and July 31, 2007). If candidates have not yet received academic acceptance at the time of submitting their dossiers, their candidature shall be received conditionally. Priority will be given to candidates whose dossiers are complete upon submission. Scholarship grantees may contact the persons responsible for their monitoring at the following telephone numbers and e-mail addresses:

Scholarship Grantees from South and Central America:
Tels. 5063 3000 exts. 5291 and 6320
E-mails: ecolin@sre.gob.mx or acamacho@sre.gob.mx or cxolalpa@sre.gob.mx

Scholarship Grantees from the Caribbean:
Tel. 5063 3000 exts. 5294 and 6303
E-mails: carmenta@sre.gob.mx or vestrada@sre.gob.mx

Scholarship Grantees from Europe and North America:
Tel. 5063 3000 exts. 5278, 6302 and 6305
E-mails: melizondo@sre.gob.mx or ehernandezd@sre.gob.mx or hhernandez@sre.gob.mx

Scholarship Grantees from APAMO
Tel. 5063 3000 exts. 5103 and 6312
E-mails: fgarciar@sre.gob.mx or sbaron@sre.gob.mx

Offices of the Directorate for Academic Exchange:
Plaza Juárez N°20, Piso 4 (Fourth Floor),
Col. Centro 06010, México, D.F.,
Tel: 9159 5274/75/76. Fax: 9159 5298
Internet webpage: http://www.becas.sre.gob.mx

for more details about this program go to: http://becas.sre.gob.mx/


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Sunday, May 13, 2007

Beasiswa S1 Bank Lippo

LB Scholarship 2007

PT Bank Lippo Tbk (LB) menawarkan LB Scholarship. Program ini adalah program beasiswa tingkat S1 yang diberikan kepada calon mahasiswa dari keluarga kurang mampu tapi memiliki kemampuan akademik yang cemerlang.

Batas waktu pendaftaran adalah tanggal 29 Juni 2007. Informasi lengkap dan formulir aplikasi untuk LB Scholarship dapat dilihat di www.lippobank.co.id. Formulir yang telah diisi dan dilengkapi dengan dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan dapat dikirmkan ke:
PT Bank Lippo Tbk

Attention: Corporate Secretary

Head Office

Menara Asia 15th floor

Jalan Raya Diponegoro 101

Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang



:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Beasiswa S1 dari Samsung Electronics

Korea: Samsung Electronics Undergraduate Scholarships in Business Administration, Art and Social Science for Final Year Students

Electronics Division of Samsung Asia offers scholarship for final year students (undergraduate) majoring in Business Administration, Art and Social Science. Application deadline is December 31, 2007.

Scholarship provider:
- Samsung Electronics
Who Can Apply ?
- This scholarship reserved for final year students university.

- The students must have (top 10%) outstanding academic results.
- willing to work in the Marketing or Export Division of Samsung Electronics in Korea.

General Information About this Awards:

1. Full subsidy of registration / tuition fees
2. Two free return air tickets to Seoul
3. Monthly living allowances
4. Hostel accommodation and student group medical insurance provided
5. Accommodation will be provided
6. Scholar will have to sign a two years contract to work in Samsung Electronics in Korea upon completion of the Master Program.
7. Will receive annual salary of U$20,000 - U$25,000
8. Scholars will have to reimburse all monthly living allowances if they are unable to complete the course or evaluated during the marketing training program and internship to be unfit to work in Samsung

Documents Required:

* Resume and academic transcript
* If available, a letter introducing her/him and a reference letter(s) from a professor(s) to:

Ms Chang Jae Ryon
Samsung Asia Pte Ltd
Electronics Division
83 Clemenceau Avenue
#08-07, UE Square
Singapore 239920
E-mail: jaeasia@samsung.co.kr

Note: This Scholarship will be closed at the end of December 2007. Only applicant fulfilling criterion which will be called.


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Beasiswa S1 2007-2008 di Selandia Baru

Undergraduate Scholarships 2007-2008 in New Zealand

The New Zealand International Undergraduate Fees Scholarships

The New Zealand International Undergraduate Fees Scholarships reflect
the New Zealand Government’s commitment to deepening New Zealand’s
educational partnerships with participating countries and regions.

The New Zealand education system provides students with the knowledge
and skills to achieve results equal to the world’s best. The
scholarship programme is about sharing this excellence with the rest of the
world, and bringing the best from elsewhere to share their knowledge with
New Zealand.

Up to 28 scholarships will be awarded for students undertaking
undergraduate study at a New Zealand university in the coming academic year.

Terms and Conditions

To be eligible for a scholarship students must:

* Be passport holders or permanent residents of one of the
ASEAN (Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore,
Thailand, Viet Nam)
Asia (China, Korea, Japan, India, Taiwan)
Latin America (Brazil, Chile, Mexico)
* Meet the requirements for entry into an undergraduate degree
programme at a New Zealand university. (Please note, this will include
proof of English language proficiency). Information on New Zealand
institutions is available on the Education New Zealand student website,
www.newzealandeducated.com. Candidates can use the online course search
facility to help them identify which institution is right for them. The
results will allow them to access detailed information on living and
studying in New Zealand, institutional profiles, their individual website
addresses and detailed course information.
* Have completed their final two (2) years of secondary school and
a minimum of one year of tertiary study in their home country at the
time of application.
* Be under the age of 30 as at the application close date
(candidates birth dates must be on or after 20 October, 1976, anyone born before
this date may not apply)
* Include a completed ‘Application for Admission’ form for
their preferred New Zealand university together with the appropriate
supporting documents.
* Be in the top 10% or at an ‘Excellent’ level in the final
secondary qualification in their country and first year of university.
* Hold one of the following English language test scores, achieved
no longer than two (2) years prior to the time of application. Please
note that certain courses of study such as Law or Engineering require a
higher level of English language proficiency than others, check with
the host institution for confirmation:
o An IELTS Academic Test with an overall score of at least
6.0 with no band less than 5.5; or
o A TOEFL test score of at least 550, including a score of
4.5 in the Test of Written English; or
o A score of 213 in the Computer based TOEFL, including an
Essay Writing score of 4.0; or
o Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) – Grade
B; Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in
English (CPE) – Grade C

TOEFL test reports should be sent directly to the Education New Zealand
Trust’s ETS institution code of 8727. This should be specified at the
time of taking the test.

Candidates who hold New Zealand citizenship or permanent residency may
not apply under any circumstances.

The following disciplines are excluded from the NZIUF Scholarships:

1. Aviation
2. Dental Surgery
3. Medicine
4. Optometry, and
5. Veterinary Science

The number of scholarships available each year shall be determined by
Education New Zealand in consultation with the New Zealand Ministry of
Education who shall from time to time also review the terms and
conditions of the awards.

The scholarship is tenable at any one of the following institutions
(listed in alphabetical order):

* AUT University
* Lincoln University
* Massey University
* University of Auckland
* University of Canterbury
* University of Otago
* University of Waikato
* Victoria University of Wellington

A scholarship shall lapse in the event that a person to whom an award
has been made fails to become admitted into their fulltime undergraduate
programme by 1 August in the year following that of application.

Please note that candidates wishing to study on a part time basis are
ineligible. Students who are already physically located in New Zealand
are not eligible to apply.

The scholarship is conditional upon gaining entry and enrolling in an
undergraduate degree programme at a New Zealand university. The offer of
a scholarship does not guarantee admission. Scholarship holders are
responsible for securing an appropriate entry visa to New Zealand and for
any fees associated with the visa, including a medical examination.
The offer of a scholarship does not guarantee that such a visa will be

Scholarship holders may not change their degree programme during tenure
of the scholarship without written permission from their host
university and Education New Zealand. In the event of a recipient’s enrolment
being suspended for any reason by their host university, Education New
Zealand must be informed in writing. In these cases the scholarship
will also be suspended. Scholarship recipients may not simultaneously
hold other scholarships funded by the New Zealand Government.

*Please note that there may be additional country specific eligibility
criteria applied by each country’s scholarships agency. Please ensure
that you check these online via
www.newzealandeducated.com/scholarships prior to submitting your application.

The value of the New Zealand International Undergraduate Fees
Scholarships shall be full undergraduate tuition fees for six semesters or the
completion of the undergraduate degree programme, whichever comes
first. This does not include living costs, insurance and travel expenses to
and from New Zealand. Candidates are required to maintain a high level
of academic achievement at all times as the awards are subject to
continuing good performance.

How do students apply?
Applications must be made in the first instance to the designated
Scholarship agency in the country in which the applicant has his/her
permanent home. Contact details for agencies are available online at
www.newzealandeducated.com/scholarships. No applications should be submitted
directly to Education New Zealand.

Information on New Zealand institutions is available on the Education
New Zealand student website, www.newzealandeducated.com. Candidates can
use the online search facility to help them identify which institution
is right for them. The results will allow them to access detailed
information on living and studying in New Zealand, institutional profiles
and their individual website addresses.

Labels: ,


Beasiswa S1 Dalam Negeri dari ORBIT

Yayasan Amal Abadi Beasiswa Orang Tua Bimbing Terpadu (YAAB ORBIT) memberikan Dana Bantuan Beasiswa ORBIT kepada generasi muda terbaik yang berprestasi namun tidak mampu dalam membiayai pendidikannya. Beasiswa ini ditujukan untuk siswa SLTA dan mahasiswa

Persyaratan penerima bantuan beasiswa (ANBIM=Anak Bimbing) ORBIT:

* Memiliki prestasi dan potensi unggul pada bidang akademis dan non-akademis.
* Memiliki nilai rata-rata semester minimal 8,00 (untuk kelas 2 dan 3 SMA/MA) atau nilai Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif minimal 3.00 untuk program S1 minimal semester 6.
* Aktif pada kegiatan intra atau ekstra sekolah/kampus.
* Memiliki prestasi dan keunggulan dalam bidang tertentu tingkat sekolah, daerah, atau nasional.
* Tidak mampu membiayai sekolah/kuliah.
* Bersedia berperan aktif pada kegiatan di Perwakilan YAAB ORBIT
* Bersedia memenuhi kewajiban-kewajiban sebagai penerima Dana Bantuan Beasiswa/ANBIM ORBIT

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Cara menjadi ANBIM ORBIT

Mengisi lengkap formulir lamaran untuk menjadi ANBIM ORBIT (dapat difotokopi sendiri), dilengkapi dengan:

* Fotokopi rapor/kartu studi per semester dari semester 1 sampai dengan semester terakhir dijalani
* Surat keterangan tidak mampu dari RT/RW setempat yang menyatakan bahwa orang tua calon ANBIM tersebut tidak mampu untuk membiayai pendidikan
* Surat keterangan masih aktif mengikuti pendidikan dari sekolah/perguruan tinggi
* Foto terbaru ukuran 3×4 sebanyak 3 lembar
* Data-data penunjang seperti fotokopi piagam penghargaan/seminar, dan lain-lain

Mekanisme Seleksi

* Mengambil formulir permohonan menjadi ANBIM ORBIT di Sekretariat YAAB ORBIT Pusat atau Perwakilan YAAB ORBIT terdekat (15 April s/d 30 Juni)
* Formulir yang telah diisi lengkap beserta dokumen diserahkan/dikirim ke Perwakilan YAAB ORBIT terdekat (tanggal 1 s/d 30 Juli)
* Waktu seleksi diadakan setiap tahun, yaitu tanggal 1 s/d 15 Agustus (di tingkat perwakilan) dan dari tanggal 16 Juli s/d 30 Agustus (di tingkat Pusat)
* Pengumuman hasil seleksi akan dikirim dari YAAB ORBIT dan ke alamat rumah masing-masing ANBIM yang lulus seleksi pada tanggal 1 Agustus.

Tunjangan yang diberikan:

1. Untuk tingkat SMA: Rp60.000,00 per bulan selama setahun dan dapat diperpanjang
2. Untuk tingkat S1: Rp100.000,00 per bulan selama setahun dan dapat diperpanjang

Kantor Pusat YAAB ORBIT
Gedung The Habibie Center Lt.1
Jl Kemang Selatan No.98 Jakarta Selatan
Telp. 021-7884 6927
email: yaaborbitpusat@yahoo.com

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Beasiswa S1 jurusan Hukum di Inggris: LLB Scholarships for International Students


The University of Birmingham is one of the UK’s leading universities. We are a campus university with the advantage of easy access to a modern European city. The University’s School of Law was one of the first to be established in the UK, and students benefit from supervision in small groups and the School’s good contacts with the legal profession.

The School of Law is pleased to offer undergraduate scholarships for international students commencing their studies in September 2007 in any of the following degree (LLB) programmes at the University:

LLB Bachelor of Law

LLB Law with French

LLB Law with German

LLB Law with Business Studies

Every overseas student who receives an offer from us to study one of the 4 degrees listed above will be offered a scholarship worth 25% of the tuition fee per annum. This will be awarded when the required grades have been achieved and upon registration. The scholarships will be available for the duration of your studies, commencing in September 2007, provided you pass each year of your course.
To qualify for the award, you must be eligible for overseas fees status, expect/possess excellent academic results, have applied to the University through UCAS and have selected Birmingham as your firm choice of university.
Further information

For any further information about the scholarship, or for details of any of the degree programmes on offer in the School of Law, please contact:

Mrs S Jones
School of Law
The University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Phone: +44 121 414 6290, Fax:+44 121 414 3585

Email: S.Jones.2@bham.ac.uk

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Monday, May 7, 2007

INDONESIA: Beasiswa S1 Bakrie School of Management

Kelompok Usaha Bakrie (KUB) turun berperan dalam memberikan bantuan sumbangan kepada anak-anak lulusan SMA pemenang the First Step to Nobel Prize ke universitas- universitas tertentu. Selain itu dengan mendirikan Bakrie School of Management (BSM), KUB memberikan kesempatan kepada putra/putri Indonesia terbaik untuk bergabung di Bakrie School of Management jurusan Management dan Akuntansi melalui program beasiswa penuh.

Bentuk Beasiswa:
1. Bebas biaya kuliah selama periode 2007/2008 - 2010/2011 (4 tahun)
2. Bebas biaya TOEFL Preparation hingga mencapai nilai tes 600 selama 4 semester

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1. Warganegara Indonesia.
2. Lulus pendidikan SMA/Aliyah atau sekolah kejuruan lain yang sederajat dengan tahun kelulusan 2006/2007.
3. Nilai rapot semester 1 kelas 3 untuk bahasa Inggris 8, dan Matematika 8.
4. Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris dengan nilai TOEFL prediction 530 atau lebih
5. Membayar biaya ujian masuk sebesar Rp. 200,000.-

Bentuk Pengikatan:

1. Bersedia bekerja di lingkungan KUB jika dikehendaki
2. Bersedia melakukan kerja paruh waktu di lingkungan akademik Bakrie School of Management


1. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang tersedia di sekolah masing-masing (Guru BP) atau di kampus BSM.
2. Melampirkan surat rekomendasi dari kepala sekolah mengenai tingkat pencapaian khusus siswa sehingga dapat dipertimbangkan untuk mendapat bea-siswa.
3. Melampirkan fotocopy raport dari klas 1 hingga semester 1 klas 3.
4. Melampirkan fotocopy KTP atau identitas diri lainnya.
5. Melampirkan Fotocopy Akte Kelahiran dan Kartu Keluarga.
6. Melampirkan Pasphoto ukuran 3 x 4 cm (3 bh), berwarna latar belakang biru.

Tata Cara Pengajuan

Seluruh persyaratan diatas dimasukkan dalam satu amplop berukuran A4 berwarna coklat yang di tujukan ke alamat pengajuan, dengan menuliskan “BEASISWA” pada sampul kiri atas.

Waktu Pengajuan Formulir

Batas akhir pengajuan calon penerima beasiswa adalah:
Gelombang I
15 Maret 2007 (cap pos)

Gelombang 2
15 Juni 2007 (cap pos)

Alamat pengajuan

Alamat pengajuan calon penerima beasiwa ditujukan ke:

Kepada Yth,
Gelanggang Mahasiswa Soemantri Brojonegoro
Suite UG No. 02 - 03
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. C-22, Kuningan
Jakarta Selatan 12920
E-mail: info@bbs.alumni. or.id
Tel. 021-526 1448, 526 3182/3
Fax: 021 527 6543


AUSTRALIA: THE ICE Bachelor Scholarship in Tourism and Hospitality

Deadline: 31 August 2007

The International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education (THE-ICE) is an Australian government initiative to encourage excellence in tourism and hospitality education. We offer scholarship grants to international students who wish to study tourism and hospitality in Australia at THE-ICE member institutions. Our member’s programs have been independently assessed by an international panel and successfully met THE-ICE Standards of Excellence , which were especially developed to endorse high quality tourism, hospitality and event programs. Scholarship applicants can choose from over 60 programs in tourism business management, hotel/resort management, sport/event tourism or ecotourism.
Scholarship grants are offered on the basis of excellence for Masters, Bachelor and Diploma level studies commencing in Semester 1, 2008. Choose from the programs listed below. All information regarding conditions of award eligibility and selection criteria is included on the application form which can be downloaded by entering your details in the Start Here section at left, then click the application download and any program links listed below to view details.

Applications for Semester 1, close on August 31, 2007. Mail applications here. Please revisit this website or see our monthly e.news for new scholarship announcements.

Remember to read the eligibility and selection criteria on the application form carefully to see if you can meet the criteria. Please see Frequently Asked Scholarship Questions (at left), and email any further questions to: scholarships@the-ice.org

Also see Scholarship Winner’s Profiles and read about Scholar’s Experiences

Bachelor Scholarship
• 1 Bachelor scholarship available
• To commence Semester 1, 2008
(usually February/March depending on institution and program selected)
• Scholarship offers a grant of AUD $10,000 per year for the normal
program duration (usually 3 years)
• Application closing date is August 31, 2007(Mailing address here)

Select from THE-ICE quality-endorsed member programs listed here.

For more information on eligibility criteria and to apply, please complete your details at Start Here firsthttp://www.the-ice.org/students/scholarships.aspx#StartHere. This will then enable you to click this link to Download Masters Scholarship Eligibility Criteria/Application Form.

Send your applications to:

THE-ICE Scholarship Applications,
The International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education,
Postal Mailbox 1272,
Tweed Heads NSW 2485, Australia.

Applications must be received by close of business on August 31, 2007 for Semester 1, 2008.

Thank you for your interest. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of excellent merit and winners will be contacted by email.
Email any questions to: scholarships@the-ice.org


Beasiswa S1, S2 & S3 ke Mesir, Maroko, Sudan, dan Aljazair Tahun 2007

Sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan seleksi nasional program beasiswa dan non beasiswa studi ke Mesir, Maroko, Sudan dan Aljazair serta non beasiswa ke Mesir, dengan hormat kami sampaikan bahwa pelaksanaan seleksi ini akan diadakan secara serentak di beberapa UIN/IAIN/STAIN, dan KBRI di Kairo dan Rabat pada tanggal 14-15 Juni 2007.

Beasiswa yang ditawarkan berupa beasiswa S1, beasiswa S2, dan beasiswa S3. Terlampir kami sampaikan edaran pelaksanaan seleksi serta formulir pendaftaran.
A. Pendahuluan

1. Sebagai tindak lanjut dari Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dengan Departemen Agama, beberapa lembaga dan universitas di Mesir, Sudan, Maroko, dan Aljazair memberikan beasiswa kepada putera-puteri Indonesia dengan formasi sebagai berikut :
* Al Azhar Al Syarif Mesir menawarkan 90 (sembilan puluh) beasiswa S1 dan 20 (duapuluh) beasiswa S2 untuk tahun akademik 2008-2009
* Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi Mesir menawarkan 5 (lima) beasiswa S1 untuk tahun akademik 2008-2009 bagi pemegang ijazah SLTA.
* Pemerintah Sudan menawarkan 30 (tigapuluh) beasiswa S1 pada Universitas Internasional Afrika, Khartoum untuk tahun akademik 2007-2008.
* Pemerintah Kerajaan Maroko menawarkan beasiswa S1, S2, S3 sebanyak 15 (lima belas) orang untuk tahun akademik 2007-2008.
* Pemerintah Aljazair melalui KBRI Alger menawarkan 50 beasiswa S1 untuk tahun akademik 2007-2008
2. Dalam rangka mendapatkan calon mahasiswa terbaik untuk mengisi formasi tersebut, Departemen Agama akan menyelenggarakan seleksi secara nasional bagi peminat beasiswa ke Al-Azhar, Kementrian Pendidikan Tinggi Mesir, Maroko dan Aljazair. Bagi peminat beasiswa ke Sudan, seleksi akan diadakan langsung oleh Kedutaan Sudan di Jakarta bekerjasama dengan Departemen Agama pada waktu yang akan ditentukan kemudian.

3. Untuk mengantisipasi meningkatnya minat calon mahasiswa Indonesia ke Mesir yang tidak dibarengi dengan kualitas memadai, Departemen Agama akan melakukan penyeleksian calon MAHASISWA NON BEASISWA dengan menguji kemampuan akademik, hafalan/bacaan Al Qur’an dan bahasa Arab, dengan standar materi ujian yang sama dengan seleksi calon program beasiswa.

B. Tujuan

* Menyaring para lulusan Madrasah Aliyah/sederajat yang potensial dan mempunyai bakat dan minat yang kuat dalam pengembangan keilmuan dan penguasaan bahasa Arab.
* Mempersiapkan calon ilmuwan terbaik dalam bidang ilmu ke-Islaman dan bahasa Arab dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan negara.

C. Persyaratan Mengikuti Seleksi

1. Warga Negara RI yang beragama Islam.
2. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang disediakan oleh Panitia
3. Pas photo berwarna ukuran 3x4 sebanyak 2 lembar
4. Melampirkan salinan ijazah dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :

* Untuk ke Universitas Al-Azhar Mesir berijazah :

1. Program S1
Berijazah Madrasah Aliyah Negeri atau swasta yang mengikuti ujian Negara dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut : a). Usia ijazah tidak lebih dari 2 (dua) tahun. b). Berijazah Pondok Pesantren yang mu’adalah (akreditasi) ijazahnya dengan tsanawiyah (SLTA) Al-Azhar masih berlaku sampai sekarang.
2. Program S2
Berijazah Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri atau Swasta dengan usia ijazah tidak lebih dari 5 (lima) tahun.
* Untuk beasiswa Kementrian Pendidikan Tinggi Mesir menggunakan ijazah SLTA Negeri.
* Untuk ke Sudan, Maroko dan Al-Jazair berijazah Madrasah Aliyah negeri atau swasta, Pondok Pesantren, SLTA, ijazah S1 dan S2 dengan usia ijazah tidak lebih dari 2 (dua) tahun.
5. Bagi yang belum memiliki ijazah (STTB), sementara cukup menggunakan foto copy nilai rapor cawu I dan II atau semester I kelas terakhir dan dilegalisir oleh pihak sekolah yang bersangkutan.

D. Mata Ujian

1. Ujian Lisan (menggunakan bahasa Arab) meliputi : Bahasa Arab (percakapan, terjemah dan pemahaman teks) dan hafalan/bacaan Al-Qur’an.
2. Ujian Tulis (menggunakan bahasa Arab) meliputi : Bahasa Arab (memahami teks, tata bahasa dan insya’) dan Pengetahuan Agama Islam.

E. Waktu Pendaftaran

Pendaftaran : tanggal 1 Mei s.d. 30 Mei 2007 setiap jam kerja.

F. Tempat Pendaftaran dan Seleksi

Dalam negri

* UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
* IAIN Serang
* STAIN Pontianak
* STAIN Metro
* IAIN Raden Intan Lampung
* IAIN Sunan Gunung Jati Bandung
* STAIN Cirebon
* IAIN Walisongo Semarang
* STAIN Kudus
* STAIN Purwokerto
* UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
* STAIN Salatiga
* STAIN Surakarta
* UIN Malang
* IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
* IAIN Mataram
* STAIN Kediri
* STAIN Tulung Agung
* STAIN Ponorogo
* STAIN Pamekasan
* STAIN Jember
* IAIN Ar Raniry Aceh NAD
* STAIN Lhoukseumawe
* STAIN Cok Kala Langsa
* IAIN Sumatera Utara Medan
* STAIN Padang Sidempuan
* IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang
* STAIN Bukittinggi
* STAIN Batusangkar
* STAIN Kerinci
* IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang
* IAIN Sulthan Thoha Jambi
* STAIN Bangka Belitung
* STAIN Bengkulu
* UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Pekanbaru
* IAIN Ala’uddin Makasar
* STAIN Pare-Pare
* STAIN Watampone
* STAIN Palopo
* STAIN Kendari
* STAIN Jayapura
* STAIN Palu
* IAIN Gorontalo
* STAIN Menado
* STAIN Ambon
* STAIN Ternate
* IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin
* STAIN Palangkaraya
* STAIN Samarinda

Luar Negeri

* KBRI Cairo
* KBRI Beirut
* KBRI Riyadh
* KBRI Amman
* KBRI Damascus
* KBRI Sanaa
* KBRI Khartoum
* KBRI Rabat
* KBRI Algier
* KBRI Tunis

G. Hasil Ujian Seleksi

1. Hasil seleksi akan diumumkan oleh Departemen Agama tanggal 9 Juli 2007 di tempat penyelenggaraan seleksi/pendaftaran atau melalui website : www.ditpertais.net

2. Peserta yang lulus sebagai calon penerima beasiswa S1 Al-Azhar akan mengikuti seleksi lanjutan (muqabalah) pada waktu yang akan ditetapkan kemudian.

3. Peserta seleksi non beasiswa ke Al-Azhar yang dinyatakan lulus dapat memproses berkas pendaftarannya melalui KBRI Kairo.

H. Tim Pelaksana Seleksi

1. Tim pelaksana Pusat dibentuk dan ditunjuk oleh Dirjen Pendidikan Islam
2. Tim pelaksana Daerah dibentuk dan ditunjuk oleh Rektor UIN/IAIN/Ketua STAIN bersangkutan.
3. Tim Penguji baik tulis maupun lisan ditunjuk oleh Dirjen Pendidikan Islam.

I. Lain-Lain

1. Informasi lebih lanjut diharapkan menghubungi Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi Islam melalui nomor telpon/faksimil nomor (021) 3519734 atau 3812344 ext. 326

2. Hal-hal yang belum diatur dalam petunjuk pelaksanaan ini akan ditentukan kemudian


Lippo Bank Undergraduate Scholarships 2007 in Commerce, Finance, Economic, Accounting, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, and Law

PT Bank Lippo Tbk (“LB”), a major investee company of Khazanah Nasional Berhad, Malaysia, believes in developing the human capital in the Republic of Indonesia. In this regard, LB is pleased to offer scholarships and financial assistance to deserving Indonesian students who intend to pursue their tertiary education at a university in Indonesia.

Therefore, LB is inviting applications from high school graduates who would like to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree program majoring in Commerce, Finance, Economic, Accounting, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, and Law.
The scholarship grant will be based on the merits of the applicant, including academic grades and school extra-curricular activities. However, to provide opportunities to those who would otherwise have difficulties in financing their tertiary education, special consideration will be given to applications from students that come from a financially disadvantaged family.


Applicants to LB Scholarship must meet the following minimum requirements:

1. Must be an Indonesian citizen;
2. Must complete the application form;
3. Grade Point Average for the National Examination Result and Average Point for High School Examination Result must be 8.00 or higher;
4. Must be able to demonstrate that they are from financially disadvantaged family by showing an official letter of poverty from the local authority and home electricity bill;
5. Not presently receiving any other equivalent scholarship or award;
6. English proficiency;
7. Must comply with all rules and regulations imposed by LB in relation to the scholarship program;
8. Accepted applicants must be willing to participate in any LB programs and activities such as internship program at LB or any of its affiliated companies;
9. Scholarship recipients are prohibited from holding a job throughout the period of study.
10. Must complete all documents as listed in the Further Requirements & Conditions. (click for details)


The scholarship shall cover the following:

1. Registration fees at the university at which the scholarship recipient is enrolled;
2. Tuition fee for the duration of study, not exceeding 4 (four) years or 8 (eight) academic semesters or less depending on the program selected. LB is not obligated to provide any further funding or other assistance should the scholarship recipient does not finish the course of study within the given time frame;
3. Living allowance to cover living expenses throughout the period of study;
4. Book allowance required for study;
5. Internet allowance to access internet for study purpose;
6. A personal computer;
7. Research allowance required for final-year research study.


1. During the period of study, scholarship recipient must be willing to participate in the internship program at LB.
2. Upon completion of undergraduate program, scholarship recipients are obliged to work for LB and/or its affiliations for a period of 4 consecutive years subject to job’s availability at LB and/or its affiliations.


Application form can be obtained directly from LB Head Office (Corporate Secretary Group) at Menara Asia 15th Floor, Jl. Boulevard Diponegoro Kav.101, Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang or downloaded by clicking here .


Interested applicants who meet the requirements must complete and return the application form together with the required supporting documents no later than June 29, 2007 at LB Head Office:

PT Bank Lippo Tbk
Head Office
Menara Asia 15th Floor
Jalan Raya Diponegoro 101
Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang 15810
Attention: Corporate Secretary


For further information about LB Scholarship please feel free to contact us at 021-5460555 Ext. 6567.

Website: http://www.lippobank.co.id/


Women International Club Diploma and Bachelor Scholarships

Women International Club (WIC) offers scholarship level of diploma 3 (non-degree) and S1 (bachelor degree) for state university students in Jakarta, Indonesia.

For further information please contact:
Gedung Nyi Ageng Serang Lt.4
Jakarta Selatan
Ph. 021-5263302

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