:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Monday, August 25, 2008

Beasiswa S1: City University First Year Undergraduate Scholarships 2008-09

Guidance Notes
By completing the application form, you will automatically be considered for all first year scholarships and bursaries on offer: excluding the City University Bursary and academic prizes. Please note that some of thescholarships and bursaries on offer have different eligibility criteria. Short-listed applicants will be interviewed for the relevant bursary/scholarship. Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing as to the result of their application. Successful applicants will be expected to attend a University wide Scholarships evening in December. If you are unsure whether you meet the criteria for any of these
scholarships, contact the Student Centre on 020 7040 7040 for more information or visit the following
website: www.city.ac.uk/studentcentre
Worshipful Company of Saddlers Bursaries (2)
These bursaries are valued at £1000 per year and are open to students who completed post 16
education in the borough of Islington. This will be paid each year following successful completion
each year. First Year UG

The Worshipful Company of Needlemakers Award
This award is valued at £1000 and tenable for one year and is open to Home students in the first
year of a full time undergraduate degree at City University. First Year UG

The Shirley Robson Memorial Scholarship
This award is valued at £1000 and tenable for one year and is open to Home students studying a
music degree at City University. Any Year UG

Application Checklist
Before submitting your application, please check the following:
All questions from sections 1-7 have been answered
Your supporting statement is completed and attached
You have provided a copy of your ‘Student Support Statement’ or ‘Bursary Notification Letter’
You have provided a copy of your passport
You have signed and dated the Applicant’s Declaration
You are aware that there is an expectation for successful applicants to attend the Scholarship
Awards Ceremony in December

Closing Date
Please return the form by 5.00pm, Friday 24th
October 2008 to the Student Centre

City University
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB
Tel: + 44 (0)20 7040 7040
Fax: + 44 (0)20 7040 6030

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Thursday, August 21, 2008

Beasiswa S1 - Music Scholarships for International Undergraduate Student 2008/09

Undergraduate scholarships 2008/09
University of the West England (UWE) scholarships available to any UK, EU or international undergraduate student

Music scholarships
Level of study: Undergraduate
Who is eligible? Open to all new students though preference is given to undergraduates
Value £1,000 per year
Selection criterion High musical ability (instrumental or vocal). Audition in Bristol after the start of term.
Closing date Mid-November
Please contact Director of Music, Centre for Performing Arts, UWE, Frenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QY

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Friday, August 15, 2008

Beasiswa dari Yayasan Amal Abadi Beasiswa orangtua Bimbing Terpadu (YAAB-ORBIT)

Yayasan Amal Abadi Beasiswa orangtua Bimbing Terpadu (YAAB-ORBIT) adalah lembaga non profit yang menyelenggarakan program beasiswa bantuan biaya studi kepada pelajar/mahasiswa yang berprestasi namun memiliki kendala dalam biayai pendidikannya.

Jumlah beasiswa bantuan biaya studi perbulan selama 1 tahun;
1. Jenjang SMU/sederajat sebesar Rp. 60.000
2. Jenjang Akademi/S-1 sebesar Rp. 100.000

Syarat-syarat Menjadi Penerima beasiswa YAAB-ORBIT adalah sbb :
1) Memiliki keterbatasan dalam biaya pendidikan
2) Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari lembaga pemberi beasiswa lain
3) Minimal duduk di kelas II SMU/sederajat dengan rata-rata nilai raport persemester minimal 7.00
4) Minimal duduk di semester III dengan IPK minimal 2.75 (jurusan eksakta) dan IPK minimal 3.00 (jurusan non eksakta)
5) Aktif di kegiatan Intra dan atau ektra sekolah/kampus
6) Bersedia memenuhi kewajiban serta berperan aktif dalam kegiatan YAAB-ORBIT Pusat maupun YAAB-ORBIT Perwakilan di daerah masing-masing

Cara Menjadi Penerima Beasiswa YAAB-ORBIT adalah dengan MENGIRIM SURAT PERMOHONAN berisi profile pelamar, latarbelakang & kondisi ekonomi keluarga, alasan pengajuan beasiswa dan dilengkapi dokumen-dokumen sbb :
1) Formulir beasiswa yang telah diisi lengkap dan disyahkan/di-stempel oleh pihak sekolah/kampus (Formulir bagian belakang)
2) Foto copy raport/IP per-semester (mulai dari sem. 1 s.d sem. terakhir diterima)
3) Surat keterangan kurang mampu dari Rt setempat
4) Foto copy KTP (kartu pelajar, jika belum memiliki KTP)
5) Foto copy KK (kartu keluarga)
6) Slip gaji (jika orangtua PNS/Karyawan Swasta) atau surat keterangan penghasilan orangtua yang disahkan oleh RT, bisa digabung dengan surat keterangan tidak mampu, (jika orangtua buruh lepas/wiraswasta dll).
7) Foto terbaru ukuran 3 x 4 sebanyak 3 lembar
8) Data-data yang dapat menjadi penunjang antara lain : foto copy sertifikat pelatihan, piagam penghargaan dll.

Seleksi penerima beasiswa YAAB-ORBIT 2008/2009 dilakukan oleh:
1) Team seleksi Perwakilan YAAB-ORBIT; (waktu dan tempat seleksi ditentukan oleh perwakilan dimana pelamar beasiswa menjalani studi)
2) Team seleksi YAAB-ORBIT Pusat; mulai bulan September 2008

Untuk memperoleh formulir beasiswa serta informasi lebih lanjut mengenai pengajuan permohonan beasiswa YAAB-ORBIT dapat menghubungi :
1) Perwakilan YAAB-ORBIT daerah dimana pelamar menjalani studi
2) Sekretariat YAAB-ORBIT Pusat
d.a : Gd. The Habibie Center
Jl. Kemang Selatan No. 98 Jakarta 12560
Telp/Fax : (021) 788 4 6927
(021) 684 9 5690 / 0812 8062904 (Betty)
0813 10594000 (Muji)
Email : yaaborbitpusat@yahoo.com
ym : bsuryaningsih / mbunga_2

Bagi pelamar beasiswa YAAB-ORBIT dari wilayah Bengkulu, DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, NTT, Maluku, Papua, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, Bogor dan Banten, permohonan beasiswa [Formulir & persyaratannya] dapat dikirim langsung ke alamat sekretariat YAAB-ORBIT Pusat paling lambat tanggal 30 Agustus 2008.

YAAB-ORBIT juga membuka kesempatan bagi siapasaja yang berkeinginan untuk menyalurkan sebagian dananya untuk membantu pendidikan anak-anak Bangsa melalui YAAB-ORBIT.

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