:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Friday, May 30, 2008

Master Scholarship in Various Program at Gadjah Mada University

Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University offers scholarship for Master Degree (S2) study at Gadjah Mada University.


1. Earned S1 from GMU (Gadjah Mada University)
2. GPA Minimum 3.25
3. Toefl score minimum 450
4. Submit application form along with documents needed
5. Attend and pass from interview which will be held on 20 June, 09.00 – 11.00 WIB at Graduate School of GMU Building
For further information please contact:
Marem Warsito (mobile: 0818 277 198),
Gedung Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM,
Jl. Teknika Utara, Pogung,
Yogyakarta, 55281,
Tlp: (0274) 544976;
Fax: (0274) 564239,
Email: ppsugm@idola.net.id;
website: www.pasca.ugm.ac.id

Please download click here

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Friday, May 23, 2008

Beasiswa Vice Chancellor’s International Scholarships 2008

De Montfort University is a dynamic organisation, formed from a diverse range of specialist institutions. The name of De Montfort University is associated with Simon De Montfort, Earl of Leicester, a distinguished figure in English history and widely credited with establishing the first parliament in 1265.

De Montfort University is committed to supporting international students to benefit from study in the UK. For courses starting in September 2008, De Montfort University’s Vice Chancellor is delighted to offer scholarships of £2000 each.
The scholarships are for £2000 equivalent to a reduction of around 20% on the full tuition fees, and will be paid towards the full tuition fees of overseas-status students from any country in the world who wish to study any of the following types of courses at De Montfort University, Leicester:
• Full-time undergraduate degrees (BA/BSc) in any subject
• Full-time Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters courses (PGDip/MA/MSc/MBA/LLM) in any subject
• Full-time MPhil/PhD research degrees in any subject

The Vice Chancellor’s International Scholarships are available for courses starting in September 2008 only (or between September 2008 and June 2009 for MPhil/PhD research degrees).
The £2000 scholarship will be made as a one-off payment and will be deducted from the full tuition fee at the beginning of the first (or only) year of study.

Students progressing to De Montfort University through one of our established progression schemes or collaborative partnerships can also apply for these scholarships if they wish to.
Only overseas status students are eligible to apply.

We will award up to 16 x £2000 scholarships for the above courses starting in September 2008. There will be a limited number of scholarships awarded by Faculty:
• Faculty of Art and Design: up to 3 scholarships
• Faculty of Business and Law: up to 3 scholarships
• Faculty of Computing Sciences and Engineering: up to 5 scholarships
• Faculty of Health and Life Science: up to 2 scholarships
• Faculty of Humanities: up to 3 scholarships

Please note that a few of our courses are not included in this scholarship scheme.

To confirm whether your choice of course is included in the scheme, please contact the Faculty admissions team to whom you are applying directly.

Scholarships will be awarded based on the submission of a 500 word essay, to be written by the applicant and assessed by a panel of De Montfort University representatives (each Faculty will have its own panel).

Deadline for Applications, if you want to apply for an international scholarship, you should have received your letter and proposal submitted essays on August 1, 2008. No essays received after this date will be accepted under any circumstances.
You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your essay submission, when we receive it. Make sure you keep as proof of acceptance of your application, if required.

For more information and how to apply please click here

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Monday, May 12, 2008

100 Beasiswa S1dan S2 : Al Azhar University, Mesir

Terdapat beasiswa untuk 95 org utk S1 (lulusan Madrasah Aliyah / Pondok Pesantren) dan 20 org
utk S2 (lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam). Seleksi tgl 10 & 11 Juni

download formulir

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Sunday, May 4, 2008

Beasiswa ITB

Info Beasiswa ITB

Pengumuman Beasiswa M99 ITB

M99 adalah sebuah organisasi yang seluruh anggotanya merupakan alumni Teknik
Mesin ITB angkatan 1999. Sebagai mantan pelajar, kami menyadari bahwa
mahalnya biaya perkuliahan mengakibatkan sedikit kesempatan bagi pelajar yang
cerdas tapi tak mampu secara ekonomi untuk terus bersekolah. M99 membuka
peluang bagi adik-adik sekalian yang *punya prestasi SMU yang baik dan **tidak
mampu secara ekonomi* untuk mau berkuliah di Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Syaratnya mudah, silahkan kirimkan data pribadi dibawah ini beserta hasil
scan/photocopy rapor selama SMU
Nama :
Alamat tinggal :
Sekolah :
Nama orang tua/wali (yang bisa dihubungi) :
Pekerjaan :
Nomor telp orang tua/wali :

ke :

farhan_ketum@yahoo.com atau
Farhan Muhammad
Jl. Bintaro Permai 3
Gang Anggrek No.34 RT. 1
Jaksel 12330

M99 akan memberikan *beasiswa penuh* untuk dapat berkuliah di ITB (sesuai
ketentuan-ketentuan yang M99 tetapkan). M99 akan tunggu data dari adik-adik
sampai dengan 15 Mei 2008.

Salam hangat,


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