:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Thursday, July 24, 2008

Beasiswa Korea: Graduate Scholarship for Foreign Excellent Students Program- Seoul National University

Graduate Scholarship for Foreign Excellent Students Program
Seoul National University, South Korea

In order to provide foreign students with more equal opportunities, the applying method for the "Graduate Scholarship for Foreign Excellent Students Program" will be the same as the application process for foreign students and it will be available online at http://admission.snu.ac.kr
This change will take place starting from the first semester in 2009. While the Office of International Affairs will deal with the overall program, the office in charge of registration will be the office of admissions.

For those who are interested in the "Graduate Scholarship for Foreign Excellent Students Program" apply online by 18:00(Thursday) July 31st 2008 and send the original documents to the office of admissions by 18:00(Friday) August 1st 2008.

We plan to place a notice about the eligible countries and universities, the number of students per major and information on financial support online by early July 2008. The online applicants will be filtered and categorized by their university of graduation. The final decision will be made by the screening committee.

More info visit website

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Program Beasiswa Diploma I Akamigas Cepu


Program Beasiswa Pendidikan Diploma I Siap Kerja Untuk Tenaga Kerja Bidang Migas

Kementerian Negara BUMN memfasilitasi putra terbaik bangsa Indonesia untuk dididik Diploma I dengan beasiswa di PTK Akamigas – Sekolah Tinggi Energi Dan Mineral (STEM), Cepu, Jawa Tengah menjadi tenaga kerja siap pakai.

I. Persyaratan dan Ketentuan Administrasi
a. Pendidikan Akhir: SMK/STM (Jurusan Listrik Arus Kuat/Arus Lemah, Kimia, Mesin, Las, Instrumentasi, Industri).
b. Tahun Kelulusan TA 2005/2006 s.d TA 2007/2008.
c. Laki-laki, Usia Maksimum 24 tahun (Pada bulan Agustus 2008)
d. Status Belum Menikah (melampirkan foto fopy KTP yang masih berlaku)
e. Nilai UAN :- Bahasa Inggris: Minimal 70 dan -Matematika : Minimal 70
f. Melampirkan Foto Copy Ijasah Terakhir atau Foto Copy SKHU untuk lulusan tahun ajaran 2007/2008 (legalisir)
g. Melampirkan Surat Ijin Orang Tua atau Wali (Asli)
h. Melampirkan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari POLRI (Asli/Legalisir)
i. Melampirkan Foto Copy Nilai Rapor dua Semester Terakhir (Legalisir)
j. Rapor Asli, Ijasah Asli/SKHU untuk lulusan tahun ajaran 2007/2008, KTP Asli dibawa pada saat Tes.
k. Melampirkan Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu dari Kelurahan/Kepala Desa setempat.

II. Membuat lamaran pendaftaran dengan format seperti di bawah ini(dapat diketik atau ditulis tangan):
NAMA :…………………………………………… …………………………………….
TEMPAT/TANGGAL LAHIR/USIA :……………………......./………………………../………….………………….
ALAMAT :…………………………………………........................................................
KOTA : ............................ PROPINSI : ................. KODE POS : ..............
RAYON TES (lingkari nomor rayon terdekat yang dipilih):……………..

III. Lulus seleksi administrasi
IV. Lulus tes mata pelajaran: Matematika, Fisika dan Bahasa Inggris
V. Lulus wawancara dan lulus tes kesehatan (Berbadan sehat dan tidak cacat fisik, bebas narkoba dan miras, tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/soft lens atau alat bantu lain).
VI. Biaya: 1. Pendaftaran tidak dipungut biaya apapun, 2. Biaya transportasi dan akomodasi selama tes ditanggung oleh peserta, 3. Bagi peserta yang diterima, biaya transportasi dari tempat asal ke Cepu akan mendapat penggantian sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku. 4. Biaya pendidikan dari beasiswa Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL) PT. Pertamina (Persero) dan PT. PGN (Persero) Tbk.
VII. Formulir isian dimasukkan ke dalam amplop coklat tertutup ukuran folio.
VIII. Pendaftaran ditujukan kepada:
Panitia Penerimaan Mahasiswa P2B II, PTK Akamigas - STEM.
Kotak Pos No. 7, Cepu, Jawa Tengah Kode Pos 58315
IX. Pendaftaran dimulai Tanggal 21 Juli 2008 dan selambat-lambatnya berkas diterima panitia tanggal 1 Agustus 2008.
X. Pendidikan menggunakan sistem gugur.
XI. Panitia tidak menerima pendaftaran secara Langsung
XII. Keputusan panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat dan tidak diadakan surat menyurat.
XIII. Pengumuman peserta yang lolos seleksi administrasi dapat dilihat di website www.bumn.go.id, www.akamigas-stem.esdm.go.id, www.diklat.esdm.go.id, www.esdm.go.id pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2008.
XIV. Informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai persyaratan dapat dilihat pada alamat website diatas.

Cepu, Juli 2008
Panitia Penerimaan Mahasiswa P2B II PTK Akamigas-STEM

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Friday, July 4, 2008

Beasiswa Australia: Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) 2009

Pemerintah Australia melalui AusAID (the Australian Agency for International Development) menyediakan 300 beasiswa Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) 2009 untuk PNS, Tenaga LSM Indonesia, Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Negeri dan Swasta, dan perorangan untuk mengikuti program pasca sarjana (Master dan Doktor) di institusi-institusi terkemuka di Australia.
Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) are funded by the Government of Australia for postgraduate study at Australian universities. The main goal of ADS is to promote Indonesia’s human resource capacity to contribute to:
- Sustainable Growth and Economic Management;
- Democracy, Justice and Good Governance;
- Investing in People; and
- Safety and Peace.
Pendaftaran telah dibuka pada tanggal 16 Juni - 5 September 2008, dengan mengirimkan Application Form.

Persyaratan Pendaftar Beasiswa Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) 2009:
In General, Candidates must :
- Be an Indonesian citizen and not have permanent residence in Australia or New Zealand;
- Not be married or engaged to a person who is eligible to hold Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residence;
- Satisfy Australian Government requirements for international student entry to Australia (health, character etc);
- Not hold a scholarship that would give similar benefits;
- Not have held an Australian Government Scholarship in the 12 months preceding the application;
- Be applying to commence a new course of study and not be seeking support through ADS for a course already commenced in Australia;
- Be able to take up the scholarship in the year for which it is offered; and
- Satisfy the admission requirements of the Australian tertiary institution in which the course is to be undertaken.

Specifically, Candidates must :
- Be applying for courses that fall within the four areas of development priority (see page below);
- Have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.9 (on a scale of maximum 4.0) and an English language proficiency of at least 5.0 in IELTS (or 500 in Institutional TOEFL or 170 in International TOEFL). The IELTS or TOEFL result must be current (a test result obtained in 2007 or 2008 will be considered current);
- Already hold an undergraduate degree, if applying for a Masters;
- Already have a Masters, if applying for a Doctorate;
- Apply for a degree at a level higher than their current highest qualification;
- If applying for a Doctorate, applicants must be staff of universities, higher education institutions, research institutes, key policy makers and targeted candidates in other agencies associated with AusAID activities. It is highly desirable for Doctorate applicants to have a letter of support from an Australian university for their proposed field of study;
- Answer all relevant questions on the application form;
- Be willing and available to take full-time (Monday - Friday, 08.00 - 16.00)English for Academic Purposes(EAP) training in Indonesia prior to studying in Australia, if offered a scholarship;
- Be not older than 42 years old at time of application.

Kandidat peserta harus melengkapi isian formulir aplikasi, menjawab seluruh pertanyaan yang relevan dan menyerahkan secara personal atau melalui pos/kurir ke kantor ADS Jakarta. Formulir aplikasi yang telah dilengkapi harus diserahkan kembali ke kantor ADS sesegera mungkin. Aplikasi anda harus sudah diterima paling lambat per cap pos pada tanggal penutupan aplikasi yang telah jelas disebutkan. Sedangkan bagi yang mengantarkan langsung secara personal ke kantor ADS, jika surat aplikasi anda diterima setelah tanggal penutupan maka tidak akan diproses lebih lanjut.

Formulir aplikasi Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) 2009
dapat anda download.

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