:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Sunday, February 24, 2008

Beasiswa Art History Scholarship, University of Plymouth

Applications are invited for a Scholarship in the Faculty of Arts, University of Plymouth for postgraduate research (MPhil/PhD) specialising in Art History and commencing on 1 October 2008. We welcome proposals whose research topics engage with aspects of the history of art and visual culture from the eighteenth century to the present, including museological research, the Western appropriation of World Cultures and art theory. We particularly welcome proposals from well-qualified applicants in the following areas of our expertise
* British art c.1700 to the present
* Viennese Modernism
* The reception of the old masters
* The Western interaction with ‘World Cultures’
* Aspects of museology
* Art criticism and theory

The Scholarship (comprising UK/EU fees plus a maintenance grant - currently£12,940.00 per annum) will be awarded to a new, full time student for 3 years (subject to satisfactory progress). Applications from non-UK/EU students are welcome, with the expectation that funds have been secured to meet the difference in fee level.

Our Art History department was rated 5 in the last RAE and details of its staff, its expertise and its research activities can be found on the Art History WebPages: http://www.plymouth.ac.uk/pages/view.asp?page=21419

Person Specification:

The successful applicant will have a good first degree, preferably an MA, MRes or equivalent experience in a relevant discipline, and will need to show potential to develop a range of appropriate advanced research skills. Applications will be assessed on a competitive basis to reflect academic merit. We are concerned not only with the originality, viability and quality of the research proposal but also, importantly, with
its relevance and potential contribution to our research community.

How to Apply:

Applications should be made on a University of Plymouth Postgraduate Study application form. Please complete, sign and return your application form by post to the following address:

The Faculty of Arts Research & Graduate Affairs Office, Roland Levinsky Building, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN TO POSTGRADUATE ADMISSIONS AS STATED ON THE FORM

In Section 1 of the form (‘Programme of Study’) please write ‘Art History Scholarship’. Your application should include a 500 word summary of your chosen topic of study (in Section 8). Although you must provide names and details of two referees (Section 11), these will only be taken up if you are shortlisted for the Scholarship.

All shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview in Plymouth (to be held between 7 and 18 April 2008). If you are unavailable on any of these dates, please let us know when you submit your application. Non-UK applicants may be interviewed by video-conferencing.

Closing date for applications is 7 March 2008.

Postgraduate Research in the Faculty of Arts:

The Faculty of Arts comprises three Schools: Humanities; Architecture & Design; Art & Media.

Art History is part of the School of Humanities. The Art History MPhil/PhD community is the biggest in the Faculty and currently numbers 16 research students.

All postgraduate students are provided with a Director of Studies and at least one other supervisor, with whom they will work closely in developing their chosen projects. All supervisory team members are active researchers in their field and are well-placed to provide relevant and strong support.

Students are registered for an MPhil in the first instance and, subject to appropriate progress, may transfer to PhD status after one year (full time) or two years (part time).

All our students benefit from a programme of research skills training (provided by both the Faculty and the University’s Graduate Skills Development Programme), professional development workshops, symposia, guest lectures, and staff/student seminars. All new MPhil students are required to complete a credit-rated module in Interdisciplinary Research Skills in the Arts & Humanities in order to transfer to PhD status.

All students (whether part-time or full time) are expected to be available during term-time to spend at least 6 weeks (that is, 216 hours) per academic year, at the University or other negotiated locations for the purposes of research training, skills development, or working on research projects. This is in order to engage with activities such as attending tutorials, meetings, seminars, workshops, training events, symposia, lectures; delivering presentations; doing research in libraries or archives or creative work in studios, etc. (to be negotiated between the student and supervisors).

In addition to postgraduate research in the History of Art, the wider research student community within the Faculty includes students in the following areas:

* English and Creative Writing
* History
* Drama, Dance and the Performing Arts
* Architecture and the Built Environment
* Art and Design
* Interdisciplinary Research in Arts, Humanities and Creative Industries

We encourage and foster cross- and interdisciplinary research and practice and value both ‘traditional’ and ‘practice-based’ forms of scholarship. All postgraduate research students take part in an innovative interdisciplinary research training series and are encouraged to attend meetings of any research seminar group in the Faculty.

For Further Information:

To informally discuss your proposal for research and how it might correspond with our expertise, please contact Professor Sam Smiles: s.smiles@plymouth.ac.uk.

For further information about how to apply for this opportunity, please contact Susan Matheron, Senior Research Administrator, Faculty of Arts, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA.

email: susan.matheron@plymouth.ac.uk.

telephone: 01752-585030.

For general information on the Faculty of Arts, please visit our website: www.plymouth.ac.uk/arts

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bakrie School of Management Scholarship 2008

Yayasan Pendidikan Bisnis Indonesia (YPBI) adalah yayasan yang didirikan oleh keluarga Bakrie yang bertujuan untuk menyelenggarakan pendidikan bisnis yang berkualitas internasional. Yayasan ini mengelola Bakrie School of Management (BSM).

Bakrie School of Management kembali membuka pendaftaran siswa baru pada tahun 2008 ini. Test gelombang pertama akan dilakukan pada tanggal 24 Februari 2008 dengan materi test potensi akademik, matematika, dan bahasa inggris.

Bakrie School of Management memberikan kesempatan bagi sekitar 335 mahasiswa baru melalui program beasiswa penuh.

Bentuk beasiswa yang diberikan berupa:
• Bebas biaya kuliah sampai selesai (4 tahun)
• Biaya TOEFL preparation hingga mencapai nilai 600 selama 4 semester.

Persyaratan Umum Beasiswa Bakrie:
• Warga negara Indonesia
• Melampirkan surat keterangan sehat dari dokter
• Lulus pendidikan SMA/Aliyah atau sekolah kejuruan lain yang sederajat dengan tahun kelulusan 2007/2008.
• Mengikuti test seleksi.

Persyaratan Administratif:
• Mendaftar secara online di www.bakrie.ac.id (dokumen pendukung dikirim melalui pos) atau datang langsung ke kampus BSM, di Gelanggang Mahasiswa Soemantri Brodjonegoro, suite GF 22, JL. H>R. Rasuna Said kav.C-22, Kuningan Jakarta Selatan 12920
• Melampirkan foto copy KTP/passport/SIM/kartu pelajar
• Melampirkan foto copy Akte Kelahiran
• Melampirkan pas foto ukuran 3×4 cm (3 lembar), berwarna latar belakang biru
• Membiayai biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp 200.000
• Pembayaran dapat dilakukan dengan cara: tunai di kampus BSM atau Transfer ke Bank Permata Syariah cabang Atrium Setiabudi no. rek. 0971 008008 a/n Yayasan Pendidikan Bisnis Indonesia
• BUkti transfer di fax ke no. (021) 527 6543, 526 3191 dengan mencantumkan nama siswa dan no. peserta ujian

Ujian Saringan Masuk:
Untuk informasi jadwal ujian silahkan hubungi bagian informasi atau melalui www.bakrie.ac.id

Bebas biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp 200 000, jika memenuhi persyaratan akademik sebagai berikut:
• Memiliki rata-rata UAN 7,5 (bagi yang sudah lulus) atau
• Mamiliki nilai rapor semester 5 rata-rata lebih besar atau sama dengan 7,5 bagi siswa yang masih duduk di kelas XII (terutama untuk bahasa inggris dan Matematika)

Email: info@bakrie.ac.id
Telp. 021 526 1448; 021 526 3182/3
Fax. 021 527 6543, 526 3191

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Sunday, February 10, 2008

Indonesia English Language Study Program - IELSP (Batch – 4)

Indonesia English Language Study Program (Batch – IV) is a scholarship program offered to undergraduate students in any university in Indonesia (the 3rd year-above) to join an eight-week intensive English language courses at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Applicants must:
• be 19-24 years of age

• be an undergraduate student at least on the fifth semester (3rd year) in any field of study from any university in Indonesia (NOT GRADUATE YET)
• be proficient in English with a minimum TOEFL®ITP score of 470 (NOT A PREDICTION TEST)
• be committed in returning to their home universities immediately after the program
• indicate a serious interest in learning about the United States
• have a sustained high level of academic achievement
• have had no prior study in the United States or elsewhere outside of Indonesia
• be mature, responsible, independent, confident, open-minded, tolerant, thoughtful and inquisitive
• be willing and able to full participate in an intensive academic program

To learn more about the program, please contact IIEF at
Menara Imperium 28th Floor Suite B
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Jakarta
Tel. 62-21-8317330, Fax. 62-21-8317331

Email: scholarship@iief.or.id

Deadline April 1, 2008

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Monday, February 4, 2008

Paramadina Fellowship 2008

“…Universitas Paramadina bersama para dermawan Indonesia mendukung siswa-siswi SLTA meraih masa depan gemilang melalui program Beasiswa Paramadina…”

Beasiswa diberikan kepada siswa dan lulusan SMA/sederajat yang memiliki potensi akademis maupun non akademis:

* Paramadina Fellowship Kategori I (untuk 80 siswa):

bernilai Rp. 65 juta, meliputi biaya sekolah dan uang buku selama 4 tahun.

* Paramadina Fellowship Kategori II (untuk 20 siswa):

Bernilai sebesar Rp. 100 juta, meliputi biaya sekolah, uang buku dan biaya hidup sebesar Rp. 1 juta per bulan, selama 4 tahun, khusus untuk calon mahasiswa yang berdomisili dan dari SMA di luar Jabodetabek.


1. Nilai rata-rata NEM/STTB atau rapor kelas I, II, III min. 7.50
2. Termasuk 10 siswa atau lulusan terbaik dikelas selama 3 (tiga) semester
3. Usia maksimal pada 1 Januari 2008 adalah 22 tahun
4. Aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi intra dan ekstra sekolah
5. Prioritas diberikan kepada pendaftar yang berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu

Keterangan Tambahan:

1. Para Mahasiswa akan mendapatkan peluang magang dan training oleh donor
2. Fellowship berlaku untuk seluruh program yang ada di Universitas Paramadina
3. Aplikasi dan persyaratan pendaftaran bias dilihat di www.paramadina.ac.id
4. Tanggal pengiriman aplikasi pendaftaran : 12 April 2008

Download formulir pendaftaran disini
Hubungi: Maya / Erma
Jl. Gatot subroto kav.97
Mampang, Jakarta 12790
Tel: 021-7918 11 88 ext.888, 211
Fax: 021-799 33 75
SMS: 081599181188
E-Mail: fellowship@paramadina.ac.id
Website: www.paramadina.ac.id

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