:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Friday, July 27, 2007

Beasiswa S1 di Singapura

Singapore] Micron Scholarship Program for Undergraduate

Opportunities to Build Your Future - Scholarships in Singapore

Information About the Scholarship - Are you ready for the working world? Do you fit this description?
Why wait till you graduate, when you can start planning now to work for a world-class technology leader? Gain valuable industry experience through our highly sought after Industrial Attachment/Internship programs, while being mentored by some of the finest engineers in the industry. After graduation, continue to rise to even higher levels of accomplishment as part of our Micron team. Through quality training and an open attitude to new ideas, we will nurture your growth in becoming a successful professional.
Are you ready to embark on this extraordinary journey? Start with the Micron Scholarship!

As a Micron scholar, you will be a leader in your own right - a well-rounded individual who is consistently among the very best in your class, and currently pursuing a fulltime engineering degree in NTU/ NUS. Non-citizens may apply, but you must be ready to work at Micron Semiconductor Asia upon graduation.

Eligibility / Criteria for Application

1. The Micron Scholarships are open to all nationalities and are awarded to dynamic and promising candidates to support them in their journey of academic discovery and achievement
2. Applicants should have an excellent academic track record
3. Successful applicants must not concurrently hold any other scholarships
4. Applicants must gain acceptance to the National University of Singapore or Nanyang Technological University
5. Applicants must be enrolled in Electrical / Mechanical Engineering at the National University of Singapore or Nanyang Technological University
6. Applicants who are currently enrolled at the National University of Singapore or Nanyang Technological University in their 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of study are welcome to apply

Award Details

The awards are tenable at the National University of Singapore or Nanyang Technological University.

Scholars are required to serve a bond period of 1 to 3 years, depending on number of years of sponsorship.
# of Sponsored Years Bond Period
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 3


* Tuition and other approved fees for a fulltime Bachelor Degree in Electrical / Mechanical Engineering
* Allowance of $500/month


Download the Application.

To ensure that your application is successfully submitted, the completed form and accompanying materials must be sent by post.

Scholarship applications are accepted annually.

All 2007 applications must reach us no later than 24 August 2007.

Please send your email enquiries to: scholarship[ at ]micron.com

For more information, please visit the official website.


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Beasiswa S1 dalam negeri dari Supersemar

Beasiswa Supersemar ialah bantuan dana pendidikan yang diberikan oleh Yayasan Supersemar kepada pelajar dan mahasiswa dengan persyaratan tertentu, dengan tujuan untuk membantu meringankan beban di dalam mengatasi biaya pendidikan formal agar beasiswan (siswa/mahasiswa penerima beasiswa) terhindar dari ancaman putus sekolah. Prioritas beasiswa Supersemar saat ini adalah siswa SMK negeri dan mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi.

Ada 2 jenis beasiswa Supersemar :
1. Beasiswa Supersemar untuk Perguruan Tinggi
2. Beasiswa Supersemar untuk Siswa SMK Negeri

I. Beasiswa Supersemar untuk Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi
A. Persyaratan
Berstatus mahasiswa yang masih aktif kuliah. Indeks Prestasi semester terbaru tidak kurang dari
2,5 Anak dari keluarga kurang/tidak mampu. Diusulkan oleh pimpinan perguruannya.
Beasiswa berlaku untuk satu tahun pelajaran dan dapat diperpanjang untuk tahun berikutnya apabila masih diusulkan oleh rektor/pimpinan perguruannya.

B. Cara Mengajukan Permohonan
Mahasiswa yang memenuhi persyaratan tsb. di atas diwajibkan:
Mengisi formulir permohonan beasiswa yang telah disediakan oleh Yayasan Supersemar di perguruannya, melengkapinya dengan pasfoto ukuran 4 x 6 cm dan meterai secukupnya.
Mendapatkan pengesahan dari pimpinan perguruan atas formulir tersebut.
Secara kolektif formulir dikirimkan oleh pimpinan perguruannya (bagi mahasiswa PTN) atau oleh Koordinator Kopertis (bagi mahasiswa PTS) kepada Ketua Yayasan Supersemar.

C. Periode Pemberian Beasiswa terhitung mulai bulan April s.d. Maret tahun berikutnya.

D. Besarnya Uang Beasiswa : @ Rp 70.000,00 per bulan.

Bantuan ini disediakan bagi dosen tetap di lingkungan Depdiknas dan Departemen Agama yang sedang mengikuti pendidikan pascasarjana di dalam negeri. Bentuk bantuan berupa partisipasi dana untuk keperluan penelitian dalam rangka penyelesaian tesis S2 sebesar Rp 800.000,00 dan untuk disertasi S3 sebesar Rp 1.500.000,00.
Untuk mendapatkannya, yang bersangkutan harus diusulkan oleh direktur program pascasarjananya dan mendapatkan pertimbangan dari pihak Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi atau Dirjen Binbaga Islam.

Bantuan dana pembinaan diberikan oleh Yayasan Supersemar dalam rangka memotivasi atlet dan pelatih olah raga yang berprestasi agar dapat meningkatkan prestasinya, setidaknya tetap mempertahankan prestasi yang pernah dicapainya.
Bentuk bantuan berupa tunjangan sebesar Rp 70.000,00 per bulan. Usulan diajukan kepada induk organisasi cabang olahraga yang bersangkutan dan dikoordinasikan oleh KONI Pusat.

Untuk membantu meringankan beban bagi anak-anak para pengungsi akibat bencana/musibah/konflik di daerah-daerah tertentu, Yayasan Supersemar juga memberikan bantuan berupa tunjangan pendidikan. Bantuan ini antara lain diberikan kepada siswa yang ditampung di RSAP (Rumah Sejahtera bagi Anak-anak Pengungsi) di Tobelo dan di Ternate.

Bantuan ini diberikan kepada siswa-siswa sekolah dasar (SD) dan sekolah lanjutan tingkat pertama (SLTP) dalam rangka menyukseskan program wajib belajar pendidikan dasar 9
tahun. Sebagaimana tahun-tahun sebelumnya, Yayasan Supersemar mengalokasikan dana untuk 50.000 anak asuh di tingkat SD, masing-masing mendapatkan bantuan senilai Rp 60.000,00 per tahun dan untuk 10.000 anak asuh di tingkat SLTP masing-masing mendapatkan bantuan senilai
Rp 90.000,00 per tahun. Pemberian bantuan untuk anak asuh ini disalurkan melalui Yayasan Lembaga Gerakan Nasional Orang Tua Asuh (YL GNOTA).

II. Beasiswa Supersemar untuk Siswa SMK Negeri

A. Persyaratan
Berstatus siswa yang masih aktif.
Nilai rata-rata rapor terbaru minimal = 6,5 Anak dari keluarga kurang/tidak mampu.
Diusulkan oleh kepala sekolahnya. Beasiswa berlaku untuk satu tahun pelajaran dan dapat diperpanjang untuk tahun berikutnya apabila masih diusulkan oleh kepala sekolahnya.

B. Cara Mengajukan Permohonan
Siswa yang memenuhi persyaratan tsb. di atas, diwajibkan:
Mengisi formulir permohonan beasiswa yang telah disediakan oleh Yayasan Supersemar di sekolahnya. Melengkapi formulir tersebut dengan pasfoto ukuran 4 x 6 cm dan meterai secukupnya serta dilegalisasi oleh kepala sekolahnya. Secara kolektif formulir tersebut dikirimkan oleh kepala sekolah kepada Ketua Yayasan Supersemar melalui Kepala Kantor Dinas Pendidikan tingkat provinsi.

C. Periode Pemberian Beasiswa terhitung mulai bulan Juli s.d. Juni tahun berikutnya.

D. Besarnya Uang Beasiswa : @ Rp 30.000,00 per bulan


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Friday, July 20, 2007

DAAD Beasiswa Scholarship Programmes 2008/2009

Beasiswa Jerman. Study and Research in Germany.
Bilateral Exchange of Academics

* Under this bilateral agreement between the DAAD and the Directorate of Higher Education (DIKTI) academics and researchers from Indonesia and Germany who hold a doctorate and are working at a university can be invited to come to Germany or Indonesia to carry out a joint research project/research stay. The partner organisation proposes selected candidates to the DAAD and sends an appropriate ranking.
* Applications by Indonesian academics and researchers are forwarded to the DAAD by the DIKTI. Applications by German academics and researchers are submitted direct to the DAAD.
* The stay should last at least two weeks but no longer than three months.
* Lecture tours and conference visits cannot be funded.

Research Grants for Doctoral Candidates and Young Academics and Scientists

* Application deadline: 5 October each year
* Applications for research grants may be submitted by excellently qualified young lecturers from state and private universities respectively IKIPs as well as academics and scientists from state research institutions who have passed their second (graduate) degree (Master’s) with a grade of 3.0 or better and who can prove that they have gained at least two years of career experience. In exceptional cases, young university graduates from the private sector may also apply
* The DAAD will pay an appropriate flat-rate travel allowance.
* Applicants from Indonesia for research grants are generally expected to be able to prove that they have a basic knowledge of German at the time of application
* The award of research grants to run for more than six months is subject to an age limit of 32 for applicants from Indonesia. In the case of shorter terms or where a doctorate is to be gained under the DAAD Sandwich Model, exceptions up to an age limit of 36 are possible.

Application address
DAAD Jakarta Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 61 - 62
Summitmas I, lt. 19
Jakarta 12190 / INDONESIA
E-Mail: info@daadjkt.com


Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI)
Direktorat Pembinaan Sarana Akademis
Gedung DIKTI, Lt. 4
Jl. Pintu I Senayan
Jakarta 10002 / INDONESIA

Further information and advice

Frau Jutta Kunze
Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)
Fakultas Sastra
Jurusan Sastra Jerman
J. Raya Bandung Sumedang km. 21
Bandung 406000

Herr Dr. Guido Schnieders
Universitas Indonesia
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program Studi Jerman
16424 Depok
E-Mail: schnieders@daadjkt.com

Herr Dr. Gerhard Jaiser
Universitas Indonesia
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program Studi Jerman
16424 Depok
E-Mail: jaiser@gmx.net

Frau Dr. Cornelia Bast
Universitas Negeri Malang
Fakultas Sastra
Jurusan Sastra Jerman
Jl. Surabaya 6, Gedung E7
Macang 65145
E-Mail: conny_bast@web.de

Frau Dr. Karen Jutezenka
Institut Pertanian Bogor
Dept. of Marine Science and Technology (ITK)
Kampus IPB Darmaga
16689 Jawa Barat


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Friday, July 13, 2007

Beasiswa Ekonomi Syariah STEI SEBI 2008

STEI SEBI memberikan kesempatan beasiswa di bidang ekonomi syariah bagi lulusan SLTA 2007 dan 2006. Ayo bergabung menyelamatkan ekonomi bangsa dengan ekonomi syariah dalam program S1 Perbankan Syariah dan Akuntansi Syariah

Gelombang I: 7 mei - 29 Juni 2007
Gelombang II: 2 Juli - 24 Agustus 2007

Dalam mewujudkan dedikasi kami pada pendidikan ekonomi syariah, kami mengundang pelajar muslim seluruh Indonesia yang berkomitmen untuk dididik menjadi Sarjana Ekonomi Islam melalui program SDM Ekonomi Syariah Pelopor Pembangunan Daerah (EKSPAD) STEI SEBI

Fasilitas Full Beasiswa Pendidikan

1. Nilai Rapor SLTA Kelas 10-12 rata-rata 8
2. Memiliki motivasi dan komitmen untuk pengembangan ekonomi syariah
3. Lulusan SLTA tahun 2007 atau 2006

Pendaftaran SDM EKSPAD 26 mei - 6 Juli 2007

Kampus: Komplek Ciputat Indah Permai Blok C. 25-26
Ciputat Telp. (021) 741 8978 (Sdri. Rika)
Fax. (021) 741 8977
Hotline: 0816 10 84 11/ 0812 820 9340
E-mail: stiesebi@yahoo.com, pmb@sebi.ac.id
website: www.sebi.ac.id


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Thursday, July 12, 2007

Beasiswa S1 Matematika di USA

Undergraduate Scholarship for Mathematics at Appalachian, US

The application postmark deadlines are 20 November for Spring Semester, 20 April for
Summer Sessions, and 20 July for Fall Semester.

The Appalachian State University Cain Mathematics Scholarship program is funded by the Gordon and Mary Cain
Foundation and coordinated through the ASU Department of Mathematical Sciences and its Mathematics Education
Leadership Training (MELT) program.
The Appalachian State University Cain Mathematics Scholarship program is designed to assist
current and future teachers of mathematics who are pursuing undergraduate or graduate
mathematics majors or mathematics concentrations in Appalachian State University degree
programs. Individuals who possess a bachelor’s degree and who are seeking a middle grades or
high school mathematics teaching license are also eligible to apply.

Cain Mathematics Scholar applicants may seek support to participate in one or more of the
weeklong Mathematics Education Leadership Training (MELT) Summer Institutes, to enroll in
undergraduate or graduate mathematics course work at Appalachian, and/or to complete student
teaching in mathematics. Applicants should plan to teach mathematics for at least five years
after the completion of their degree or license. They should develop a thoughtful action plan for
implementing what they learn in their classes during their teaching career.
Applicants may request support toward tuition, fees and other educational expenses; award
amounts will be based upon their scholarly history and teaching potential, the quality of their
action plan, and their financial need.

Two letters of support must be included with each first-time application.
Please type or print clearly and include both pages of the application form. Mail the completed
form to
Diana Ward, MELT Program
ASU Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
243 Walker Hall
121 Bodenheimer Drive
Boone NC 28608.
The application postmark deadlines are 20 November for Spring Semester, 20 April for
Summer Sessions, and 20 July for Fall Semester.
For application visit : http://www.melt.appstate.edu/cainform.pdf


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Friday, July 6, 2007

Beasiswa SLTP dan SLTA Indonesia dari ASEAN

ASEAN Scholarships 2008 for Indonesia (SLTP and SLTA students)

New! Application Deadline July 20, 2007. The ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia is tenable for 4 years leading to the award of the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education ‘Advanced’ (GCE ‘A’) Level (or equivalent) certificate.The Scholarship is for studies in selected Singapore schools from Secondary Three to Pre-University Two and is renewed annually, subject to the satisfactory performance of the scholar.

Students from Indonesia are welcome to apply for the ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia to enter Singapore schools at the Secondary Three level. Candidates who are not short-listed for the scholarships will be considered for the Merit Awards.

Students who meet the following criteria are invited to apply for the scholarship.

1. Nationals of Indonesia
2. Between 14+ to 16+ years old
3. Sat for SMP 3 National Final Evaluation Examination (EBTANAS/UAN) and have done consistently well in school

Important Dates

Any dates given below are tentative and are subject to changes.

1. Application period - 2 June to 20 July
2. Selection test dates - mid August
3. Selection interview dates - late September
Candidates short-listed for the selection test/interview will be notified a week before the selection test/interview dates
4. Award of scholarship - early to mid October
5. Arrival of scholar in Singapore - late October

Where to obtain application form during application period

* Singapore Consulate in Pekanbaru
Jalan Diponedoro IX No.5
Pekanbaru 28133
Riau, Indonesia
* Singapore Embassy in Jakarta
(Address: Embassy of the Republic of Singapore
Gedung Graha Surya Internusa 19th Flr
Jln HR Rasuna Said Kav X-0
Jakarta 12950 Indonesia)
* Singapore Ministry of Education
School Placement & Scholarships Branch Scholarships Section 1 North Buona Vista Drive Podium Block, 3rd Level Singapore 138675
Republic of Singapore
E-mail: contact@moe.edu.sg

Please click here to download the application form

Test and Interview City

The selection tests and interviews will be conducted in the following cities:

1. Medan
2. Jakarta
3. Surabaya (if there are sufficient candidates)

Terms and Conditions

1. Allowance of S$2,200 (Secondary) / S$2,400 (Pre-University) per annum with hostel accommodation
2. S$400 settling-in allowance (once only)
3. Economy class air passage to Singapore and back to home country upon completion of course
4. Waiver of school fees and donation to the Education Fund
5. Waiver of GCE ‘O’ and ‘A’ Level examination fees (once only, if applicable)
6. Subsidised medical benefits and accident insurance cover
7. Bridging courses (if applicable, in Singapore before start of course)

Application deadline: July 20, 2007.

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Beasiswa S1 dalam negeri dari Canon

Beasiswa Canon program S1. In partnership with Bunda Mulia University, Canon Datascript gives the opportunity for high school graduates to extend their education to a higher level to reach a brighter future.

Computer Science
Language and Culture
Hospitality and Tourism Academy
Postgraduate (Master of Computer, Master of Accounting, Master of Management)

Academic Partners:
ITB, UI, Unpad, Monash University, Edith Cowan University, Cologne Business School, The University of Melbourne, Jose Rizal University, INHOLLAND University, Beijing Language and Culture University, TAFE Regency South Australia

You can be one of 20 scholarship receivers, if you:
- Pass National Exam and graduate from high school in 2007
- Pass the entry test and interview

For further information, please contact: (021) 6909090

Send your application before September 2007 to:
Datascript Business Solutions
attn. Mr. Sintra Wong
Kawasan Niaga Selatan Blok B-15
Bandar Kemayoran Jakarta 10610

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Berikut ini merupakan daftar lembaga/yayasan penyalur dan atau pemberi beasiswa dari luar negeri baik dari Pemerintah (Government) atau NGO (Non-Government Organization):





Université Catholique de Louvain





:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Monday, July 2, 2007

Beasiswa Sarjana S1 di Australia

Australia Macquarie University International Scholarship (MUIS) for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students

Who can apply?
Applicants must
Be a citizen of a country other than Australia or New Zealand.
Have met the University’s academic and English requirements for the course to be considered for a scholarship (must hold a FULL OFFER by the application deadline).
Have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.0 (out of 4.0) for Postgraduate applications and minimum requirement of 90 (out of 100) for Undergraduate applications.
You are not eligible if
You are a citizen of Australia or New Zealand, or hold permanent residency of Australia.

You are currently enrolled at Macquarie University for a program which is equivalent in level.
You have undertaken the same level of study previously.
You are currently enrolled in the program that you apply the MUIS for.
You are in receipt of another equivalent or major award or scholarship.
You are a Study Abroad or an Exchange student coming to Macquarie University.

What does MUIS cover?
Macquarie University International Scholarships are available across most courses to cover international tuition fees for study on campus in an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree.
Scholarships will be granted to cover the credit points required to complete a single undergraduate or postgraduate degree.

The scholarship provides course fees for the minimum course duration. No additional allowances are payable. The scholarship does NOT provide financial support in the form of a living allowance, nor does it provide for the cost of visa application, Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), airfares, accommodation, conferences or other costs associated with study. Annual renewal of the MUIS is subject to satisfactory performance in the Macquarie University degree program.

To download the MUIS conditions click here.

How to apply?
Applicants must complete a course application form with certified copies of all relevant documents and application fee of $110. The application fee will be refunded if you are awarded an MUIS when applicable.

The undergraduate course application form is available at this page.

The postgraduate course application form is available at this page.

Applicants must also complete an online MUIS application form and nominate two referees to complete a Referee Report. For more information and to apply click here.

IMPORTANT: MUIS paper application forms are no longer accepted. All applicants must complete the online MUIS application form.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Deadlines for MUIS Applications

MUIS Applications for Semester 2, 2007 have now closed.

MUIS Applications for Semester 1, 2008 must be submitted by 31 October, 2007

MUIS Applicants must submit Course Applications by 15 October, 2007

MUIS Applications for Semester 2, 2008 must be submitted by 30 April, 2008

MUIS Applicants must submit Course Applications by 15 April, 2008

Important: Applicants must hold a FULL OFFER by the MUIS deadline to be considered for a scholarship. Applicants will NOT be eligible for the scholarship if they hold a Conditional Offer on the application deadline. For more information about Conditional and Full Offers please click here.

Results of Applications
Students applying for a scholarship for Semester 2, 2007 will be advised of the outcome of their application in June 2007.

Students applying for a scholarship for Semester 1, 2008 will be advised of the outcome of their application in December 2007.

For scholarship enquiries contact scholarships@io.mq.edu.au

Please visit the official website for Online Application.


Beasiswa S1 di USA

ndergraduate Scholarship for Mathematics at Appalachian, US

The application postmark deadlines are 20 November for Spring Semester, 20 April for
Summer Sessions, and 20 July for Fall Semester.

The Appalachian State University Cain Mathematics Scholarship program is funded by the Gordon and Mary Cain
Foundation and coordinated through the ASU Department of Mathematical Sciences and its Mathematics Education
Leadership Training (MELT) program.
The Appalachian State University Cain Mathematics Scholarship program is designed to assist
current and future teachers of mathematics who are pursuing undergraduate or graduate
mathematics majors or mathematics concentrations in Appalachian State University degree
programs. Individuals who possess a bachelor’s degree and who are seeking a middle grades or
high school mathematics teaching license are also eligible to apply.

Cain Mathematics Scholar applicants may seek support to participate in one or more of the
weeklong Mathematics Education Leadership Training (MELT) Summer Institutes, to enroll in
undergraduate or graduate mathematics course work at Appalachian, and/or to complete student
teaching in mathematics. Applicants should plan to teach mathematics for at least five years
after the completion of their degree or license. They should develop a thoughtful action plan for
implementing what they learn in their classes during their teaching career.
Applicants may request support toward tuition, fees and other educational expenses; award
amounts will be based upon their scholarly history and teaching potential, the quality of their
action plan, and their financial need.

Two letters of support must be included with each first-time application.
Please type or print clearly and include both pages of the application form. Mail the completed
form to
Diana Ward, MELT Program
ASU Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
243 Walker Hall
121 Bodenheimer Drive
Boone NC 28608.
The application postmark deadlines are 20 November for Spring Semester, 20 April for
Summer Sessions, and 20 July for Fall Semester.
For application visit : http://www.melt.appstate.edu/cainform.pdf