:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)Wednesday, October 3, 2007

BEASISWA AustraLearn Scholarship Program

While there are not traditionally many scholarships available for overseas study, there are good resources available for students to locate them.

New Zealand universities
Most of the New Zealand universities offer scholarships to international students, however there are not many available and they are extremely competitive. Scholarships at these institutions should be applied for at the time of application.
AustraLearn Scholarship Program
AustraLearn awards more than $250,000 US per year to students who apply to study in New Zealand for a semester or a year through AustraLearn. These scholarships are not available for full-degree students.

This is an official Education New Zealand resource for students seeking information about studying in New Zealand.

This site offers an extensive resource for Canadian students seeking scholarships.

Canadian Bureau of International Education (CBIE)
CBIE offers a range of scholarships and study grants to Canadian students to study overseas. Visit www.cbie.ca for further information.

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